My toddler has a fever...what should I do?

So my husband is sick with a cough and fevers and idk what it is but he won’t go to the dr. Well now our 1 year old is sick with whatever he has. i just took his temp and it was 102… i can’t get in touch with his dr so idk what to do… i gave him tylenol and some cough medicine… should i take him to an urgent care or just watch him for the day.??

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The fever is 102. I would definitely take him to urgent care and let them know you gave him tylenol and cough medicine especially since his fever may break by the time you’re seen but I wouldn’t play around if it were my child. You have already stated you don’t know what your hubby is sick with but now your child has it and may need antibiotics.

I would just watch him. If he gets super uncomfortable or in pain then take him in. Give tylenol, cool baths, popsicles, a cool wash cloth on his forehead.

Keep hydrated. Even try some ice blocks.
Panadol and nurofen at recommended doses etc. cool flannel on head. (They recommended me not to use a cool shower or bath when my son last had a fever). Only a cold flannel on forehead.

If it constantly keeps being high go to the hospital. Especially if Panadol doesn’t reduce the fever. Or if his very unsettled due to his symptoms.

Their is a new virus out they should be able to test which virus keep your baby cool and hydrated I’m sorry :disappointed:

If fever goes above 101. Take him to the Doctor. Or urgent care. Toddlers can have seizures from fevers which are not doing the brain good. Also push liquids hold off on solid’s until after the doctor seen your toddler. Don’t wait because toddlers get very sick quickly. Also don’t give all those medications listed on here. Only what the doctors tell you. Call the hospital and speak with a pediatric nurse on what medication you can give if you can’t get ahold of the Pediatrician

Alternate tylenol and motrin (every 3-4 hours). If he still has a fever with the medicine, he definitely needs to go to the doctor

Keep hydrated cool him down with tepid water just a sheet no blankets regular Calpol and ibuprofen lolly ice to suck