My son told me his step-mom mistreats him: thoughts?

You did the right thing. It definitely needs to be documented that it’s not only what the kid is saying but all the adults see it too. Then dad shouldn’t be having him unsupervised if he can’t be trusted to not have the girlfriend around your son. That is what I would go to the judge with too and go back to court to have his visitation reduced

You do what’s best for your child.


I think by having the D.C.F. involved… BOTH families will be under constant watch for a very long time. Not a good place to be. :confused:

It’s your child protecting him is never wrong.


You did the right thing!

You did the right thing to protect your child.

You did from your heart, and protected your child. Your are his warrior.

You was right enough said

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It is your child protect him!

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You absolutely did the right thing

Im probably going to be alone on this but I know as a child of divorce that i felt like my step mom was evil and she wasnt but at the time I was in my feelings. I feel like you should have asked your son for specific details. Thentalked to her. I think DCFS was a bit drastic for a child that just said “she mistreated me” if she was hitting him and stuff yes. Im not saying dont believe him. Im just saying childern have alot of feelings they dont understand. I think you will find you made your entire life hell by having DCFS invovled in your family. Jobs everything are now not avaiableto anyone invovled, even if he was mistaken. You should have talked to her and not allowed your son alone with her and installed camera so you could see.

Yes, you were very wrong to call DCF.

Definitely did the right thing :clap:t2::clap:t2:
The right thing is the hard thing sometimes but it was necessary.

Your protecting your child… Your definitely not doing wrong!

Trust your gut. You are his mom. Too many stories in the news recently of children being taken too soon.

You did the right thing. Having DCF involved brings in a neutral 3rd party and will get to the bottom of it

You made the right choice.

Nothing is wrong for the safety of your child. Period.

Just remember kids make up stories too

Protect your child at all cost

Always err on the side of the child

I would just beat her ass cause ain’t nobody finna mistreat or touch my child but I mean that’s just me

Not sure. She may or may not even care.

YOU DID THE RIGHT THING! Keep him away from her.

I would say something to tbe stepmom

For sure the right thing

Do what you have to do to protect your child!!!

100% you did the right thing

You definitely did the right thing! You can’t trust nobody these days😩

never feel guilty for anything that you do to protect your kid.

Secret cell phone for the kid show him how to record

You just opened yourself up for drama. Make sure you record EVERYTHING. It’s about to be hell for that poor kid

I am a stepmom and a bio mom and before me my step kids were allowed to run wild on both sides with zero rules. My step kids accused me of being mean to their bio mom a bunch when they were little, because I had rules. I never once laid a hand on them and never would. Once their mom started dating her now husband my step kids instantly switched and realized I wasnt so bad as their now step dad would have HORRIBLE punishments (standing in the corner holding books over their heads and if they dropped one he would add more, if they ran out of books he would put weights. Sitting on their bed for days Indian style unable to slouch or lay down. Standing in the corner with their hands in the air in a “touchdown” fashion for hours at a time. And finally, grabbing my youngest step son by the throat and shoving him into a corner because he accidentally hit the toddler with the door.) Needless to say as they got older they realized I was not mean and just have rules that I expect to be followed. We now have sole custody and they are not allowed around the step dad at all and that is partly because DCYF finally believed the kids about what was really going on in that house after multiple calls. SO, it really comes down to what exactly the kids are telling you is going on and if it is physical abuse, then you did the right thing by calling if their dad is not going to protect them.

You did the right thing

If she’s abusing him, see if you can get a no contact order. It depends on what you mean so I’d be more specific.

Not wrong always listen to ur son

Your never wrong for putting your children’s concerns over anything else. I applaud you and hope he is safe. Number one rule. I wouldnt let him go over there until the issue is resolved.

Guess if you feel it’s the right thing to do but be aware next time she could make a call to them about you because you might be in the firing line , I would have confronted her straight up warned that you would make a call if she abused your son and be done with it that way ,

Girl report it or catch a case. It’s not realistic to have you speak to her

  1. You are gonna end up beating her ass for touching your baby.
  2. It will make you look bad, however reporting her will make them look into and find out what’s going. (You dont go to jail for kicking her ass)

I’m upset your ex doesnt believe his son. Wtf?!! How can he be ok with this? How horrible. You can start to document all these things and write down as much detail as possible. I hope dcf helps!!!

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You did the right thing. Kudos to your for handling it like an adult, because I probably would have gone over and kicked her ass and taken my chances with a jury not convicting me… :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:

Google Thomas Valva and then tell me what your next step is. Don’t wait until your child is injured or worse!

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Absolutely you are right!

A little excessive!!

Follow your gut… You did the right thing

Too many step parents and bf/gf killing kids… you protect what is yours, and to hell with what every one else has to say about it.

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Best way keep on DCF and if need be tell dad that the child isnt going back And if he doesnt like it tell him to take it to court and I am sure the Judge would be very interested in all that the child has to say Also tell the child to keep a diary so if it does go to court he can quote dates and what the bitch actually did to him ’

What does your gut tell you…I am a firm believer that you should always follow your gut…sometimes children can play adults up against each other but if you gut is telling you that your child is being truthful than you know him better than anybody else and you do the right thing👍 good luck

Some women are like that. Take what your son says seriously and do anything you need to…to keep him safe… Growing up it was like that for me and my dad didnt believe me tili was almost 30 and he asked me about it all

Kick her ass! I regret not doing that in my situation. She needs to know its NOT ok!

You did the right thing. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

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