My potty trained child has started having accidents: Advice?

Is anyone else dealing with this? I need some advice. My three-year-old was fully potty trained since the age of 2 never peed in bed or anything. Now lately, she has been peeing a lot on herself during the day and, at times, her bed. She doesn’t do it at daycare or at school, but when she’s home and at my mom's, she does. Is anyone going through this, and what can I do to get her to stop.? I’ve talked to her, and she says she’s going to be a big girl, but then she does it again. I feel like it’s a lazy thing, and when she’s throwing a tantrum, she will do it. Is it a normal thing, or should I be concerned??

Has anything substantial changed in the home? Routine? Is someone new around that she is uncomfortable with??


She is 2 ! Don’t expect miracles. Accidents do happen


Take her to her doctor :heart:


Maybe remind her if she needs the toilet every hour or so


Have the doctor rule out UTI/bladder infection first. If she’s medically ok, sounds like she could be having something going on emotionally. Regression is a sign of acting out over something she isn’t old enough to verbalize


It can be normal. I still have to remind my six year old to stop playing for a minute to go pee. Sometimes they get too distracted and think they can hold it and by the time they can’t, it’s too late.


Ummmmm…potty training regression is a real thing, and she’s still young. Please don’t call her lazy to her face.


When I would throw tantrums, I remember I would pee on myself to make my parents mad :woozy_face::woman_facepalming:t2: I would rule out bladder infections also. Have y’all moved recently or anything that’s a drastic change?


Ehhh its pretty typical. Id say there’s another issue and she’s trying to assert some dominance… think about it, 3yo doesn’t have much to bargain on

Maybe she’s unhappy at day care,that would be the first thing I would look into.


It is normal for kids to regress in this area. Your doc will also tell you this!


When my son started having accidents I was very upset with him and after several trips to the pediatrician we finally figured out that it was constipation.
You should look into it. Once they’re little bellies are so full of poop they can’t hold their pee in and it’s embarrassing for them.

Pretty normal. She’s 3 now and a very busy little girl, I’m sure. She just needs reminding at home. I’m sure at school they are asking if anyone needs to use the restroom. Remind her at home.


If she doesn’t have a UTI or any kind of medical issue then I would say she’s acting as if something has changed around her routine mentally she is not verbal enough to tell you so she’s acting it out whether she wants to tell you or not and she is three right everybody keep saying she’s 2 but you did say it’s your three year old

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My 5 almost 6 year old still has accidents mostly from playing and not wanting to go/ holding it. Has anything changed? Has anybody new came around?

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I’d talk to Dr about UTI if that rules out maybe she needs more attention from u. She is 3 they dont really Express too much but act out totally normal mom. Breath just start over with routine

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Maybe there’s something going on at the daycare…


Shes 2.
Give her some crayons and paper
In psychology its play therapy. See what happens on the paper. She sounds like she is trying to tell you something. She is 2 right. Still a toddler. Maybe take a breath

There might be underlying causes. Possibility of abuse? Stress? Did you recently move or lose your job or a family member?

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Take her to Pediatrician to rule out infection first

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You should be concerned. Peeing the bed after being potty trained and having no accidents is a sign of sexual abuse, sometimes. I’m not saying that’s happening but honestly you never know. Also, she’s freaking 2-3, stop acting like she’s an adult and knows better. This is a sign of something gone wrong.


She sounds like she’s a very busy 3 year old… too busy to think about going while shes playing etc, but the sleeping accidents may be helped by cutting back on liquids for a few hours


This is all normal and could also be red flags but usually it’s just change in routines…

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Well from my two my first was literally no problems potty training even stopped at bedtime by 3 years old , but my now 2 year old who will be 3 in october still in nappies at night and still has alot of accidents when she either eating dinner or playing with her sister and number 2 she doesn’t realise she needs to go until its halfway out :joy: every child different but im using the summer holidays while not in school just to stick with nickers keep asking if she needs the toilet and soon hopefully get use to it i mean she knows what the toilet is use for just a matter of when needing to go and a-lot of patience i guess :slightly_smiling_face:

My now 13 year old did this at 5 & 6. Was trained fully since she was 4.
I would pick her up from school and she would never tell me she had peed her pants. I would smell it when I took her pants off to put her in the bath. Finally after telling her she’s not gonna get in trouble simply by telling me she went earlier, she started telling me when I picked her up. This lead to her trusting me and telling me her teacher was refusing to let them go once they were in the classroom and back from lunch. I had to email the teacher and once I did that, it never happened again.
So regression is a thing, but gaining their trusts is the key to getting them to tell you why.


I’d take her to her doctor to be safe


If she continues doing this at home tell her she’s going back in pull ups. I bet she’ll stop real quick at the thought of going back in those. Good luck.


Something may be upsetting to her.


Mine did this too. I just continued to reinforce using the potty and eventually she stopped having accidents. When they’re young it’s hard and at times you may see them revert a little. I know it’s frustrating but just breathe and continue to enforce using the potty. She obviously is capable. When we get upset or excited. It stimulates us, including being stimulated physically. So, that might be why she has accidents during tantrums. Like you ever see a dog get so excited that they pee a little? May be the same concept and during a tantrum, she’s probably more focused on what made her upset more so than anything else. Also, even when they’re potty trained, accidents can still happen, especially when they’re that little. With the sleeping accidents. My almost 6 year old still does this but so did me and my brother at that age still too. Bed wetting is not uncommon and I mean both of us just ended up growing out of it. That’s how I am approaching it with my daughter too.


First have her checked for bladder infections my son started doing that and ended up having a bladder infection. And second if anything at all has changed in your home or routine that could be why or if something has happened that has traumatized her that could do it.


My daughter did this. It ended up being constipation causing it. She had daily bowel movements and was still constipated.


I’d say it’s pretty normal, children go through so many phases, sometimes I think they tend to “forget” especially if their mind is busy. I’ve went through similar issues with both of my children, I just simply asked them periodically if they needed to go and limited drinks near bedtime. I also mentioned it to their doctor just to make sure there were no issues. I also had my daughter go back to wearing pull-ups for bed and it worked… she was adamant that she wasn’t a BABY!! lol Don’t stress momma :heartbeat:

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Maybe have her checked for diabetes. Especially the nighttime bed wetting. However, as many have mentioned, regressing on potty training is one sign of sexual abuse. Better safe than sorry.


You are not alone mamma.
I’m going through the same thing with my 3yo daughter. I have to remind her every 10-15mins to go to the loo and she still wets herself…

She’s turning 4 on the 14th of August :white_heart:

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This also happened with our youngest… she was 3 when she started regressing.
I took her in to be checked for UTI’s and found out she was very constipated. We were put on meds daily to help keep things flowing and she bounced right back. Good Luck, to you!

Mine is turning six she did the same thing it’s a phase
She’ll get over it be patient

My youngest did this. I told her she would have to wear a pull up. She eventually stopped. I think she just got so busy playing and held it until she literally couldn’t anymore.


I did this as a child, started wetting the bed after being toilet trained for years, it was a trauma response.


it’s normal to regress but it can also be a bad sign. what’s new in the home


My daughter did this also, she ended up having a uti from holding her pee all day at school


Get her sugar levels checked rule out diabetes

Put her back in Pull-ups

It’s completely normal for kids that young to have accidents just don’t punish her for them.


Check for bladder problems but also consider having her talk to a professional, sudden onset of accidents can be a sign of abuse/molestation


Maybe she has a UTI.

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My oldest started to have accidents again when his twin sisters were born. His sisters take a lot of time and energy and he was acting out to get our attention. Now we make sure to give him one on one time every day and the accidents stopped.

If you had a major change recently this very well could be how she is coping with the change/less of your attention. Kids will seek attention even if it is negative if they feel like they aren’t getting adequate attention from you.


It could be because of a growth spurt that her bladder isn’t keeping up with, or it could be health or dietary, or it could be because of stress or trauma.

Have her checked by a doctor for a bladder infection. This is also a symptom of diabetes. I’ve reason she probably does not have accidents at school is they potty young children on a schedule. While at home you might have to make her try every hour.


All of those comments are possibilities. Don’t ignore it, something it’s going on

She probably has a bladder infection. Need to take her to the doctor.

It can be normal…Mine started trying to hold it in so she could play longer… but she held it until she couldn’t anymore… we had many talks with her and rewarded her on days when she didn’t have any accidents. She stopped eventually… but months later she started having accidents again and got a fever and it ended up being a bad UTI…I had a lot of accidents as a kid from recurring UTIs.

I would check for signs of sexual abuse, or abuse period??? Poor baby, good luck


My youngest started doing this years ago when he was at nursery…I got so frustrated. Turned out he had a urine infection x

My 8 year old does this occasionally. I’ve had her checked out medically as well but nothing seems to be the issue, I have to believe it’s just her. I have no advice, I’m sorry. But I’m in the same boat too. Atleast your baby is only 3 tho. :sweat_smile:

Put her back in diapers.

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Boys take longer to learn to potty train at nite. My almost 6 yr old son is potty trained during the day but we still use Goodnites at nite. Better than waking up in a wet bed smelling like pee before school. It takes their brain longer to mature to control nite time pee.

Every child is different you need to wait she is ready
You cant press her

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Regression is normal

Constipation, infection , diet, emotional stress and abuse are all common reasons for accidents .
3 is still young enough to not have full control but having been dry for so long id check with the Dr.

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Take her in and have her checked for a uti. My 3 year old had a uti from taking a bath. It got bad. She peed the bed twice and she has been potty trained since she was 2.

My soon to be 4 year old has been potty trained fully for about 5 months and would pee her pants when she got upset with me.

When potty training a child. You give them extra attention to help them. Once they learn to potty independently. The attention fades. Even though it negative attention she gets when pottying in her pants. It’s still attention to her. Praise the good behavior. Ignore the bad behavior. Give rewards as progress…

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Definitely see a doctor
This is a change
Probably Not a lazy thing
Possible medical
It is also said…and I’m definitely not saying you
But when a person…kid is being abused … they feel a lost of control … helpless.
And could start losing control of their urine… or that maybe the only thing thing they can control. Not saying ur kiddo is being abused but it’s definitely worth looking into


Mine where toilet trained since 2 years old aswel. As they got to around 3 they tried to hold it so they could play longer. Keep taking her to the toilet every half hour or hour.


Any big changes in her life? That can cause children to regress. Also I would take her in…it could be a health issue.


Something else could be going on

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Is she around anyone new? That is a common thing for children being sexually abused. Also, changes in habits or having more going on than usual can also cause setbacks


Take her to the bathroom every 2 hours. Definitely should help. Lots of times they get busy playing and forget till it’s too late. If they go on a schedule it usually stops that. At daycare they take the to the bathroom at certain time intervals which explains why she is not having accidents there.


Sonia Habibtii Hussain

If she wants to act like a baby and not use the potty, then treat her like a baby. Make her wear diapers and lose her “big girl” privileges. My daughter tried this and once she realized that I wasn’t allowing her to do her special things, she stopped.


It sounds behavioral/situational since she is able to control her bowel/bladder all day at daycare. I would start with a visit to her pediatrician.

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If she was fully potty trained and just started to do this I would take her to the doctor. My daughter did this and turned out she had a bladder infection early on but couldn’t tell us. It isn’t Normal to go from fully potty training back and reverse. Could be something other than what you think and may not be because she is being lazy. I would definitely get it checked.

Go to a doctor. Is there any way something may have happened to her when she was not in your care?


Sometimes this happens during a growth spurt

It could be bowel problems pushing on her bladder and she doesnt even realize shes having these accidents until its to late. You should get her checked for these issues.

My niece was potty trained and around the age of 3 she started peeing the bed. She was seen by a Dr who checked her for diabetes, sure enough type 1 diabetic.

My daughter was fully potty trained around 2 and started having accidents around 3. Her pediatrician had her seen by urologist and she was diagnosed with kidney reflux. Some kids out grow it and some require surgery. Please have her seen and don’t just assume she is being lazy or stubborn.

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If she wants to act like a baby put her back in diapers and even rear face her car seat . She should snap out of it quick! No big kid privileges


My 3 y.o started having accidents after being fully potty trained Turned out she had a UTI. I would talk with your doctor…

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Has anything happened or any changes in her life. My son was potty trained at 9 months and when he was 1 1/2 we had a bad car accident and he started wetting the bed took him until he was 3 to not wet the bed or himself and stop having nightmares of the car accident.

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My son wet the bed until age 4, sometimes, at night. He was potty trained too. My daughter never did that though. He was easier to potty train than she was too. Once she got it, she was set. His accidents came at night after the fact.

Don’t degrade her never do that. Is it winter time where you are? Maybe she just may have to stop having a drink before going to bed. Talk to day care also.

Take her to the doctor. My daughter started doing this and had a bladder infection. Never said anything about it till my boyfriends mom came over and went “it hurts when I pee” like??? You couldn’t tel me this a while ago to prevent the accidents?


If she isn’t doing in school or at home
That maybe her safe place and where she is doing it or throwing a temper tamper… Just be aware of Immediate last people… immediate current people and immediate future people
If it’s happining in certain places… and not other places then to me its not medical

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It could be the uti infection and stuff but also peeing like that could have a link to trauma or sexual abuse :thinking:

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My daughter had a bowl blockage and she was having accidents because of it. They prescribed miralax.

A lot of great insight here… and I have one more from a counseling perspective. A lot of times when potty trained children start wetting all of the sudden, there has been a traumatic incident that has happened. This can range anywhere from sexual abuse to car accidents. I would strongly suggest talking to your pediatrician to eliminate any medical reasoning, and go from there.


Take her to the doctor ASAP

Make him/her wear the clothes 'til it dries out ! Only, takes twice !


Make her wash her underwear out since it’s only happening at certain location it makes me think it’s not medical but behavioral. Still go to Dr rule out uti and then make her clean up her mess

Remind her. Or could be a medical issue! Ask your doctor

Could be a uti u have to and i mean have teach her the proper way to wipe and clean herself and wash. But we are not drs so u have to get her to her dr.

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Definitely consult the doctor. Since your child was fully potty trained and isn’t having accidents at school or daycare it doesn’t seem medical, but good to rule that out and discuss other causes. She is regressing for a reason.

Kids that go that early (1-2) and who go without doing so on their own often have regression later. But it could also be medical issue so that’s worth looking into.

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Have her checked for a uti if nothing big has changed recently

My first thought is that this child has experienced some sort of trauma. This is one of the first indicators for girls. Given the fact that 1 in three girls will be molested by someone familiar and that is only at yours and your mother’s house… Who is someone that’s spent time at both?


Please make sure that she was not traumatized in some way. I would take her to the doctor and get her into counseling.


Was.there any recent changes in her life new people, a move, new baby anything like that could maybe be causing it or a uti def take to a dr and make sure its not a utility or kidney/bladder Infection

My son started doing that when I got pregnant of his sister. Stopped after I delivered 🤷