My husband's snores are keeping us awake, help?

Just one question……Did he snore before you got married or is this just like recent events, my husband snores and I knew this when we married I usually can make a slight push on him like I be turning over and he turns on his side and usually when he snores really bad it’s bc he’s also exhausted. Good luck!

wake his ass up tf won’t help w the kids that’s some bullbooty

He is tired also. My husband complained about a condition
I made a Dr appointment when he came home after work I said you have a appointment with the Dr at 4:30 tomorrow. He went. Sleep disorders are serious. Some people have died from then as they stop breathing and die.

Snoring is a sign of sleep apnea. This is serious. He does need to go to the doctor, but it sounds like you have tried to talk to him about that. You might try finding some medical material to lay around so he sees it. Bathroom , his night stand, livingroom etc,etc. Good luck.

Pinch his nose or get those nose things, or ear plugs.

Please have him do a sleep study, he could have sleep apnea.

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Sounds like he could have sleep apnea. Undiagnosed can be deadly.

If he won’t help himself, get seperate rooms.

Dig him in the ribs and pretend to be asleep when he wakes up

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I totally understand I go through the same thing🙄

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Get snore wizard,its a device that goes over teeth like gum shield that opens airways,it really works,good luck xx

The thing that finally drove my husband to a sleep study was when I told him that while he was keeping me awake, I was able to see that his breathing actually stopped more than once. His sleep study showed that he stopped breathing 55 times in an hour. He now has a CPAP machine and is slowly getting used to it. I notice that he has more energy. I’m certainly glad to be back in the bedroom again.

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Wake him up every time he wakes you up.! It’s only fair :joy:. He needs to do sleep study, tu should wear ear plugs, or just kick him out. Sound like he doesn’t care much about your well being!

He needs a sleep study done. He most likely needs a cpap machine to wear at night

Sleep Apnea, a sleep study and then cpap will change your lives.

I vote for sleep apnea. In the meantime earphones and a rain storm app will help you get sleep🥰

Sounds like sleep apnea