My husband made a comment about my weight: Advice?

Play with yourself and let him walk in so he knows who’s boss :tipping_hand_woman:

Now everyone drops back to pre baby weight fast. Some never do. Love yourself, not what he expects. If you really want to lose, work on it at your pace. Chances are that he is not the same size as before the baby.


Tell him to take your sex toy and go and f*ck himself!

I just needed to scroll through the responses and was (sadly) not surprised by the amount of people here saying to leave your husband over this. I do not agree that this was anything less than extremely hurtful but I can’t imagine getting divorced because my husband made a rude comment about my weight. Are there really this many people who are willing to throw away a marriage without even a conversation? I don’t love the fact that he made a comparison to his ex but you don’t say that this is a habit or anything he’s done other than the time you are describing. I would love to know what you said in response because I probably (especially at 6 months postpartum) would have lost it on him. And, frankly, he would have deserved it.
I read a couple comments that compare your husband to theirs saying that their husbands tell them that they are beautiful and there are good men out there. You haven’t said anything to indicate your husband isn’t a good man. Stupid and probably a bit tone deaf- yes but that’s something that can be talked through. I’m married to my husband 22 years and together for 26. We have 5 kids and sometimes I was able to lose the weight easily and sometimes not. I hated how I looked when I struggled losing the weight and my husband told me all the way through that I was beautiful. BUT through the decades, he HAS said other things that hurt even when not intended to hurt. I’m glad I didn’t have the people on this forum telling me to divorce him for a mistake that I have probably made myself. Your husband might have actually thought he was helping when he made the crop top comment- I don’t know because I wasn’t there but I could see it. Personally, I would have a conversation with him. Tell him how it made you feel especially given that you just carried another human in your body for 40 weeks. And if he thinks it’s wise to compare you to his ex (or anyone else) ask him how he thinks that’s helpful. Tell him what you said here- that you’re struggling. Not everyone loses weight (postpartum or not) the same way. Tell him you need his support and that isn’t the way to do it. Tell him exactly how it made you feel.
Finally, I am going to guess that you are probably already not feeling great about yourself with the extra weight and you need to give yourself some grace. You did just carry another human inside of you for 40 weeks and your body was solely responsible for nourishing and keeping that baby safe. If you believe that you are doing what you need to do to lose the weight and it’s not working, consider seeing your doctor. She/he can guide you with a healthy way to lose it and determine IF there’s any medical reasons that you aren’t.
You are both adjusting to the addition of your new blessing. Please don’t give up on your marriage because some strangers on the internet with a teenie tiny view into your marriage claim that is what they would do. Unless there’s a whole lot more going on (and maybe even then) try talking to work this out before it snowballs and resentment grows, turning your marriage into a truly toxic place.
Just remember that people do make mistakes and intentions aren’t always bad so when you do talk to him, be open to hearing that too. Most importantly, enjoy your new blessing because every day goes by so quickly and you don’t want to jade your memories with contention. You got this mama!