My Boyfriend Doesn’t Share Photos of Me on Social Media

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"My boyfriend and I have been together since October … he has one child and I have 2. We met where we work and I feel like everyone already knows we are dating, because people have seen us together outside of work. I post on FB pictures of us but he never posts about me or shares any photos of pictures he takes. it’s like I don’t even exist."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Girl don’t be insecure. You shouldn’t need social media to validate your relationship."

"Girl just because he don’t post you on social media doesn’t mean you don’t exist. This is the most silliest thing I’ve ever heard!!! Don’t let social media come between yall!!!"

"Tell him it bothers you. And go from there. Maybe he doesn’t even know it bugs you."

"Sweetheart me and my fella are expecting and we aint even “in a relationship” on fb lmao."

"Social media isn’t real life. Lol my husband isn’t a social media person. Pick your battles shuggie talk it out but this is probably not even something he sees as an issue because he isn’t even thinking about it maybe not into it like my husband"

"I’ve been with my husband 7 years and he’s never posted a picture of us, he actually doesn’t post anything at all on social media. If it bothers you communicate with him, he might be one of those people who doesn’t want everyone knowing what’s going on in his life."

"I have been married for 10 years and my husband doesn’t share photos or comment on my photos. He’s more of a private kinda guy!"

"It doesn’t bother me with mine cause he doesn’t post himself either lol"

"My husband don’t post pics of me and him. But I know he is not cheating. If you don’t have trust you don’t have a relationship. Social Media can destroy relationships"

"My fiancé doesn’t post me or our relationship on his Facebook; we’ve been together for 3 years and have 2 kids together. I personally like keeping the relationship private; it shouldn’t be too big of a deal as long as he doesn’t hide the relationship in the real world"

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