My boyfriend and I have a baby together but he still talks to his ex: Any advice?

I need help. My boyfriend and I have a sweet baby together, but he still talks to his ex. She has her own family and life but ever since we had our baby. She has been annoying and weird. I’ve told him about it and told him I wasn’t comfortable with it. He said he’d talk to her and figure it out. Well it hit the point that I’m over it, and I told him it’s either our little family or her, he slapped me and walked away. Yes, I did leave with the baby. But I just wanna know if I’m wrong for what I did or doing to my baby. I love him, and I thought he felt it too but it seems to me that his ex is way more important. Please I need advice on what to do now


Ur in yhe right. Move on


you did the right thing


He slapped you? It’s over. Unless you want to be hit forever. Move on.


He slapped you!? Never tolerate that. Bye.


Do NOT ever forgive a man for slapping you regardless of the situation. Leave before it escalates


Walk away and stay away


You did the right thing


Move on. If he slapped you over the EX there’s more going on.


How are you doing something wrong to your baby when he slapped you? It’s not like you asked for it.

Regardless of what was going on he had no right to hit you. I would have walked away too


Um pack up and walk away he slapped you in response of him talking to an ex while it’s his life and your not his mama … I get you not liking him talk to his ex . However you can’t claim trust if you don’t trust him .
you stated your piece and he hit you … words you need to say at this point is bye bye

A. You don’t trust him
B. He hit you because he got mad
C. It’s time to cut out he showed his colors


If he hit you once he will do it again… RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN …


Ummm he put his hands on you…? Seriously? Please leave and for good. Any man or so called man touches a woman in anger will always resort to violence.


Stay away! Or else it’ll get worse


I mean no disrespect but yes what you did was right and by him slapping you should tell you he wants his ex.


You are 100% in the right, and no matter what he has no right to slap you or put his hands on you. He definitely chose his ex in this situation… girl run while you can, also should go to police so if he wants visitation it will be supervised seeing he’s abusive. Don’t let him take that baby alone, better to have it on record now rather then later.


You are NOT WRONG. be strong. You are NOT an ultimatum.

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  1. he kept doing what you asked him not to… which yanno… happens I get it. BUT when he slapped you, that’s it. Fuck him. Excuse my language. That’s BEYOND NECESSARY. He should never put his hands on you. You did the right thing. LEAVE WHILE YOU CAN. && also. File a damn police report. If he can do that to you now, what makes you think he will stop next timeM

Get petty call the cops


Abuse! Stay far away from him!!

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He SLAPPED you, and you are asking if you are wrong?! Girl! Here’s your sign!


I’d have rocked his jaw, if he was willing to hit you for asking him to pick his side bitch or his family you’re better off throwing the whole boy away

Don’t go back to him🤮


He’s cheating. Abusive. Leave.


You did the right thing for leaving. I would stay away from him. Slapping can escalate to punching and worse.


He slapped you?!?! Umm no mam!! Don’t go back to him. Move on with your life. Don’t waste your time on men who don’t respect you.


You lost me at “he slapped me and walked away”…


Did you call the cops? That’s the only important question here.


He doesn’t love you, that’s not a real “man”; a REAL MAN does NOT hit a woman or lie to her… Find a better man sweetie you deserve nothing but the best for yourself & your child & to teach your child what a real man is


Slap his ass back and walk away from the relationship :ok_hand:

Dont look back no matter what!


If he puts his hands on you in anger, he doesn’t love you


When a man puts his hands on you like that then you need to leave him alone more then likely there is going on

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No your right. Dont go back either. He chooses to talk to his ex over you. And has now hit you. Fuck him let her have him

He slapped you??? Fuck no! That’s way crossing the line! Why is he even talking to
His ex? There’s something more. Leave and don’t come back.

HE HIT YOU ENOUGH SAID, walk away. You are 100% right for leaving and don’t believe him when he tells you he’s sorry. He’s NOT.


Move on, I strongly believe ppl should leave the past in the past and move on especially if in a serious relationship and then to top it off he hit u… ummmm. No take that baby n leave… sounds like he’s more concerned with making her h as happy than u anyways


Girl you and that baby need to stay gone!!! What a pos putting his hands on you!


Stay away. If he slapped you now it will only escalate. If you don’t want your child to grow up thinking it’s ok for a man to treat a woman that way, then staying away is what’s best. He obviously still has feelings for his ex or it wouldn’t be an issue. You deserve better.


You’re right for walking away.He shouldn’t be talking to his ex at all since she got a family and life of her own.It would be best to do better for your baby

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HE slapped you!! The ex is the least of your worries!!!


If he slapped you call cops and have his ass arrested id leave hes horrible father and must be sleeping with her

If you don’t love yourself enough to realize you deserve a better man…love your child enough to give them a better example of what a father/husband/boyfriend should be!


Leave he broke a boundary, additionally he hit you because of another female…his loyalty is to her not you or your child


Baby girl your right he should never of slapped you show how little he is if he loved you he put you and the baby first he would be loyal faithful honest he would respect your wishes you should come first dont let him get you down baby girl you deserve better

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If you are still entertaining the thought of being with him after he slapped you then my advice is to work on your self-esteem. No loving man would ever hit his woman :v:t2:


I did the same thing…before baby was born.

But the slapping thats a no… you need a pfa and to sit with an attorney

That’s 100% bullshit. I know it hurts like hell, but one day you have to realize your worth and walk away for good.

Maam, he slapped you. Why this is a question, I dont know. He sounds crazy as a bed bug. Leave him and her alone. Focus on you and your child. Let it and HIM go.

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Glad you left, now keep going,!

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The best thing you did was leave. He is a waste. You don’t need him. You also are protecting your baby. :heart::heart:

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Screw the ex he put hands on you. Don’t be dumb stay tf away


He slapped you? Whoa momma… But as for the ex thing… My ex is my best friend 🤷 easier to talk to him about some things than it is with anyone else because he knows how I react and all that good shit

He’s showing you what’s important. If she wasn’t an issue he wouldn’t speak to her any more or keep it strictly friends and obviously that’s not the case. You did the right thing. I’d break up with him.


U did right leaving his ass. If he cant move on from his past… you sure dont need him in ur PRESENT … its better that u raise ur kid up alone than to be with a scumbag like him … Kuddos for the courage to leave … i will keep u and ur baby in my prayers …Godbless :+1:

He slapped you therefore there’s nothing else to figure out. Leave him alone and protect yourself and your child


Well your not wrong!! I would be pissed if my so was talking to his ex especially if they don’t have kids together. So you gave him the ultimatum and he pretty much answered you by slapping you across the face!!!

You 100% did the right thing by leaving. First off, there is NO reason for him to maintain any kind of relationship with her when they do not have children together. It is even worse for him to prioritize it over his relationship with you.

And with the slapping…once that line is crossed, I don’t think there would be any going back for me. Things usually only get worse. Maybe better temporarily but in my experience, they continue to escalate. You definitely do not want to raise your baby in that kind of toxic environment. Separated parents who are happy and healthy are much better than parents who are together and miserable. You don’t stay in a bad situation for kids. You have to take care of your child’s mother too. Part of being a good mom is taking care of yourself. You deserve happiness and someone who puts you first. Not an ex girlfriend. When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. That is the advice I should have taken about 7 years before I finally did. Don’t accept less than your and your baby deserve.


You did the right thing no matter what happened he doesn’t have to put his hand on you at all


Ma’am he slapped you. That is all you need to remember.


Run and don’t look back. No one deserves abuse of any kind.


You did the right thing by leaving


Whether you’re in the wrong or not, no person should EVER lay their hands on you. :speaking_head: PERIOD


You were right in each thing you did.

Leave, take your baby, file a report with the police and do not EVER go back.

Keep yourself and your child safe physically, mentally and emotionally.


It dont matter u had his baby, some men are more intrigued by other women or a past girlfriend. Start doing ur own thing , forget u love him, liaten to ur brain not ur heart. Ingore his ass then watch he gone try to come around, actually feel and listen this advice. Most dont though, dont go years wasting time

You did the best thing ever for you and your child leave him alone he may even try to sweet talk you and use your child against you stay strong once a hitter always a hitter


He hit you. You know what you should do.


If he slaps you leave. End of story

Slapping you over this is not on , leave simple as that.

You did the right thing walking away, girl.

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IF this is the first time he slapped you it won’t be the last… You know the answer. Protect yourself and your sweet child

If he hit you once, he’ll hit you again. You did the right thing by walking away.

Leave his ass an Hello Child support an man that raises a hand to you is not worth your time!

I just dumped my ex because he wouldnt block a couple people. So now hes left to talk to one of them. If he had nothing to hide, he wouldnt have slapped you. He wouldve blocked her by now.


Don’t look back. He put his hands on you, he doesn’t deserve you, period!


Slaps turn into knife wounds or bullets later. Girl don’t you watch the ID channel?!?!

Good for you for leaving. Stay gone!


Nah man. Do you. You made the right decision . Good for you…! for being a strong independent women and not accepting lower than what you guys deserve.


Tell him to pick it’s either the ex or the baby if he picks the ex well you know where you stand

Screw the ex! He hit you. I repeat HE HIT YOU! That’s what you have in your future. Do you want you’re kid growing up watching daddy slap mommy around? Or learn it’s ok to hit? Run, don’t look back.

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You got your answer, sorry if it’s one you don’t like.

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He slapped you?!? No youre right to leave and please never ever ever go back.

Leave and move away if u can…if he slapped u 4vet it he knws now he can do it again…move away…file report…file 4 child sppt…good luck!

That slap let you know his choice and it was for the ex. Stay away.

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Stay away. If he slapped you, he’ll beat you. You and your child deserve better. Take pictures, report it to the police, file for full custody and child support. You can do this! Please don’t go back.

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Forget about the ex drama… he hit you, end of story… don’t look back! Get on with your life

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Why is this even a question?
Like I’m sitting here trying not to laugh but I honestly can’t help it
HE HIT YOU and is hung up on his ex
Use your fucking brain…

You should have called the cops on his ass.

If he slapped you because you told him to pick, he did and he chose her. Run girl he hit you and that is never okay!


HE HIT YOU. No, you did the RIGHT thing and you need to know that. He knows he can do it again, he went through with it the first times I’ve been there. Take that baby and get out of there. I promise you it will only get worse.

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No man has the right to lay a hand on you.


He HIT you end of discussion


He put his hands on you? Domestic violence and it only gets worse…and he chose his ex. I would file orders, get custody of your child.


He doesn’t care about your feelings. When you said “it’s us or her” and then slapping you and walking away…yeah that right there says he doesnt care. Don’t go back


Did you do the right thing? Do you want your baby seeing him treat you that way? If you don’t leave him for you do it for the baby.

This is a no brainer. You thought you were smarter than the ex…

Can I just ask everyone saying he slapped you he will slap you again ect. Would you 100% feel the same way if a female slapped a male ? And he done the same thing just asking. I know and agree its completely wrong and she was right walking away 100%!! but it does go both ways.

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Dump him if he hits you he needs to go

Seems like you dont need advice…you already know what’s right and wrong

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Your boyfriend is HER BOYFRIEND.

&& after this post Idk why you’re calling him your boyfriend.

He obviously made a choice.

Just leave be happy w your baby.


Girl let the ex have him. He will hit you again.