Is 4 years old to young to get up in the morning by herself?

May just be me but I don’t see a problem with it. My 3yo, almost 4 yo gets up every morning and watches kids Netflix on my phone while I get an extra hour and a half of shut eye.

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My 5 year old does this until me and the baby wake up. She likes having cereal for breakfast so I bought some small cereal keepers from dollar tree, the little bowls with the straws in them (she likes to drink the milk and makes a mess if she tips the bowl :joy:) and I leave a little container of milk in the fridge so she can make her own bowl! She likes it, makes her feel like a big kid! And I like it because she doesn’t have to wake me up lol. She just watches tv and eats her cereal and waits for us to wake up.

It’s not like you are leaving her alone, if she needs something then she can just wake up her dad. I don’t see an issue.


Four year olds can get in all sorts of trouble unattended even if there is an adult in the house because sleeping is not watching .

Legally you can’t leave a child alone. 10 year’s is when you can leave them home alone.

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Call cps and ask them this question if you won’t you clearly know better.


You make sacrifices as a parent :woman_facepalming:t2: if that means loosing sleep then so be it


My youngest would wake up in the middle of the night/early morning, turn on her show, grab herself a snack, and sit in her recliner like it was noones business. It would freak my older daughter(10yrs older) out​:rofl::joy::rofl: She was just always like that, doing her own thing. Do what works for your family, there is no simple answer. Juat be sure to keep her safe.


He needs to be up with her. My daughter was constantly getting up early before we were so we put a door alarm on her door so we’d know as soon as she left the room.

My 4 year old would be okay, now my current 2 year old :sweat_smile: that might be a different story come 4.

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4 yo is fine if dad is in the house sleeping or not. Just remind her not to go to the door if she hears someone outside even if she knows its you cause it may not be you. But seriously if all she is doing is watching a kid show on TV that’s a well behaved child at that age be proud of her.

Second shift, so he gets off at what like 11 so why isn’t he going to bed when he gets home so he can get up with his daughter and spend more than 2 hours with her!? Instead he’s staying up until 5-6am?

Let’s say dad works til 6 am and gets home at 630 am. You get home at 830. So dad can’t stay up til you get home. Can your daughter be left unsupervised and alone for that hour or so? You bet she can. You’re betting her life on it.

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Ima say no. They’re 4. Let’s not treat them like they’re older. Even “we’ll behaved” 4 year olds can still be like “lemme see what happens if I do this” and get hurt. This just seems to be lacking common sense.


I’ve worked second shift. Spent my days running on 3 hours of sleep MAX. There’s nothing wrong with the kid watching tv solo just as long as the PARENTS have anything toxic locked up like they should. My middle just turned 5 this week, she’s been getting up and watching tv solo in the mornings for a bit now. She knows to wake me/us up but she doesn’t. Besides waking up to a little mess, nothing bad happens

My 4 year old just chills watching tv every morning. I usually leave a snack and a drink out for her at night, cause she will randomly wake up between 3 and 5 am, and normally doesn’t bother me.

Why can’t he sleep on the couch or the same area she’s watching tv? Maybe get a tablet? She could be with him in bed and have an hour of tablet time. I wouldn’t let her roam by herself, even if she seems to just watch tv, you never know when curiosity strikes!


If this is going to go on please make sure the child has NO WAY to leave the home. Deadbolts whatever you need to do. Windows. Checking everything! If she’s unsupervised you and your husband need to prepare. Not saying you haven’t just sharing my thoughts. I personally could not do this, but I’m also a first time parent and I am INCREDIBLY cautious and trust almost no one in this world.

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Depends on the kid. My boys would stay on the foot of my bed and watch tv. My girl would be a hard no.

You know your 4 year old better than we do … but what about since she sleeps in the room with y’all you put a snack on the night stand and a tablet for her to play with that way she stays in the room with your husband and is not all over the house


l Get paid over $109 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16674 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

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No… . if there is an accident some how or a fire… then how will she cope. shes 4… take her with u

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if he is her father … he needs to get his shit together. parenting is not made to be easy. he needs to be a dad and get with it

I think you should let dad get his sleep and keep her up later if you’re up late anyway.

Not me sleeping till 9 am while my 3, 6, and 8 year olds make their own cereal. :eyes:
Parent don’t teach their kids independence anymore and it’s only hurting the next generations.


I mean… Legally no. But also depends on the kids maturity level and independence ya know

Why is he staying up that late if working second shift

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Let’s see…I think by 4, my older granddaughter was going downstairs in the wee hours of the night while everyone slept to get a snack…

My younger granddaughter would get up in the middle of the night, no matter what we did to try to prevent it, go downstairs and paint her fingernails, the floor…

Nope, as long as someone is home with her and she knows what not to mess with, she will most likely be fine lol. You probably won’t be able to prevent it. Lol

Im exhausted and i close the closet door, bathroom and bedroom door and i go to bed. She refuses to go to bed at a decent hour. We’ve tried everything and melatonin.

So really depends on your comfort level and how safe your place is. She should be contained though

I can’t count how many times me and my sister would quietly get up and turn on the N64 or watch cartoons. She was 2 I was 4 and my mom always made sure the deadbolt was locked, we never really got into dangerous things we had to much to keep us occupied

I think as long as the doors are locked and she taught not to go near them it’s ok

Do what is best for your family. Is she able to FaceTime someone during that time?

Can you put a tv in your room so she can just watch it in there while dad sleeps so she won’t go out?
otherwise, yes he should be getting up. She’s not safe in the house alone. A lot can happen, kids get into everything. She’s 4.