I am getting induced tomorrow...advice?

I am being induced tomorrow and I am pretty nervous my daughter came on her own so I am not really sure what to expect come tomorrow anyone have any advice


Get the epidural! I put it off thinking it would only slow my labor progression down. Because I wasn’t progressing as fast as my other babies.
Ended up having to go without bc my body decided to progress fast towards the end.

I was induced with my second one and I would tell anyone if you could go into labor on your own. Mine was hard on me. Wish you the best of luck and congratulations on new baby !!

I only have 1 child. But I was induced with her and I had a fantastic experience. I had time to pack, prepare then play the waiting game! I had time to decide when I was ready for the epidural. I had the chance to make all the choices I wanted to make. I went in at midnight and had her at 2:47pm. So it was a long while, but SO worth it. My Dr broke my water around 1:00. I only pushed for about 10 minutes and she was here!

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I was induced with my third baby 3 months ago! Just relax and enjoy the experience! It was great for me!

I was induced with my last. What helped me the most was bouncing on a medicine ball. I literally bounced u til it was time to push. He came so very fast. Personally my induction was my easiest labor.

I was induced with my son. He ended up in distress (bc of complications before the induction that we were unaware of) and we ended up having a c-section. The induction saved his life and likely mine.

Before it went sideways, the induction was just fine. Easier than my daughter’s all natural birth.

No food or drink after midnight or at least 6 hours before induction. They start the IV and before your water breaks you can walk.