I am a young mom and people keep trying to tell me how to parent: Advice?

as a mother of three one a teen now…learn to listen to others.

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“No” is a complete sentence.

“No” is a complete sentence.

One last time, “No” is a complete sentence.


I would say I appreciate all your help as you’ve raised an amazing son (children). And I’ll ask you for help but I think it’s time for you to enjoy just being a Grandma.


Someone will always try to act like you don’t know what you are doing. My oldest is 9 and has special needs and you better believe any friend I’ve ever had has tried to teach me how to parents him (without me asking and honestly without there being any problems.) My youngest is almost 2 and I still get it from time to time. You know what you do? Don’t give them the chance. You don’t even have to be rude about it. Don’t let her take the baby if you are trying to calm her. If she tries giving you “advice” you didn’t ask for or don’t need, just say thank you and move on and continue to be the mom you want to be. Dont let them make you feel like a young mother just because your age is young. Moms are warriors. We are strong. It’s when we let others snake it, that we feel like we don’t have the right to speak up. Tell her when you need it you will come to her, or if she just genuinely wants to connect with your baby fine…but that doesn’t mean in any way that you are doing it wrong. If she gets mad, then she gets mad. But hopefully she will be grown enough to understand where you are coming from

Tell her to back the fuck up or ur cutting her out till she learns how to back off

I had this same problem with my step grandfather. He’d go as far as to take my baby across the clinic from me. Always telling me I’ll never amount to anything and he hopes she’ll be more mature. We no longer have contact because I told him I didn’t like the things he was doing. Don’t let anybody push you around love. I’m a first time mom also. Don’t be disrespected because you don’t want to be mean. BE MEAN. That’s your baby. You know what’s best.

Been there! Don’t let yourself be brought down. You’re the mother you carried your baby !!! It may same like they mean well but it’s usually them trying to control everything. It’s honestly exhausting. Stand up for yourself.

I know you feel like your bf will take her side but he may not. He may know his mom is controlling.
You dont want this to continue or you’ll resent them both. I hope you bf will stand up for you and you can both talk to her.
Her taking the a y from you and taking over is not ok.
I’d let her know that you appreciate the help but you need to be able to get your confidence as a mom without her taking over. Tell her that if you need advice or help she will be the first person you will ask since you know she cares so much and is so good with your child.
It’s very hard to feel like people dont trust your judgement. I totally have felt this way before too. Good luck.


2 ways… ignorant or nice… nice would be to explain you appreciate her help but want to figure it out on your own (unless you really need help, in which case you can promise her she will be first on your list to ask)… ignorant would be to explain you seen how she raised hers and he still needs work… ive done both with my x’s mom… #2 worked for her


Tell her to worry about herself and you’ll worry about the baby. She needs to be told to stop. You are the one to do it not your boyfriend. Stand up for yourself, and don’t be afraid

She’s WAY out of line! It’s your baby no one should take a baby from their moms arms like that unless asked to do so - I would be furious… just because you’re a young mom doesn’t mean your instincts aren’t there and that you don’t know anything as a parent. We all ask for advice and need help, however, people need to know their place and respect you as the child’s mother.

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You do what you feel is right and best for your baby . Tell them if you need help you’ll ask


When people tell me what to do with my son I listen and I say okay but I would still do things my way in front of them and they stop.

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You need to get your own place

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Unfortunately you’re going to have to stand your ground and you might come across Bitchy & they also may dislike or hate you too.

But here’s something I want you to think about…

How can you be a good mother to your child if you don’t stand up for what you believe in to be in the best interest for your child?

If you can’t stand up for yourself right now how will you ever be able to stand up for your child in the future?

You are a mother and you should protect your child and it doesn’t matter whose feelings get hurt over it do what you need to do and don’t walk on eggshells and don’t be ashamed for telling it like it is and speaking up for what you need to speak up for because you’re going to have a lot of other situations and this is just the beginning.


Momma bear up girl and tell her you want your space that you cant learn how to be a mother if she is acting like the childs mother. That while you welcome the advice you would rather ask then have it offered constantly.


I totally get where ur coming from. However, u are a new young mom and im sure grandma has had alil bit more experience with babies. Im sure shes not trying to purposely upset u. I would kindly tell her how u feel and if you need help, you will ask her. But dont be mean about it… some ppl have NO help. And i was kinda like this with my 1st… im currently pregnant with my 3rd and my mom moved 4 hrs away, so Im not gonna be able to ask for help with this baby. So dont burn ur bridges, your gonna want all the help u can get. And i must ask, do u live with the parents? Bc if you do ur very lucky to hv that extra security. Be grateful for ur blessings bc someday ur gonna need them and they wont be there.

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Ask them what bill they are paying this month as they are in your life so much haha worked for me made a lot of people shut up xxx

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Set boundaries for her, in a calm way tell her what you don’t like and what needs to change, what’s not acceptable for you. Tell her what’s too much and stand your ground.

Stand up for yourself, correct the mother in law and also him if he tries to take her side. If you don’t speak up it will keep happening

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Say something. Stand up for yourself. That’s all you can do


Tell her off! Forget all that hiding stuff, speak up or else nothing will change! Screw what she has to say or anybody else for the matter!! It’s your kid not theirs.

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I would flat out say its my child and I know how to care for her.


Flat out my kid ill do what i want and when i say no no is no. Period. Dont ket anyone push you around. Lots will try but ya cant let them. You know whats best for baby not anyone else! Stand your ground momma!!! You got it!

YOUR BABY, YOUR RULES, YOU DECIDE. If they don’t like your choices they can walk away. You carried that baby for 9 months, nobody else. You can yes them to death with what they say and YOU DO WHAT YOU CHOOSE. Nobody had the right to tell you how to raise child, stand tall, be firm and tans your ground… they will eventually catch on, if they don’t, TOUGH SHIT!!

My exs mum tried this… with my 4th!!! She didnt like that i wasnt doing it her way… ive seen her kids ill stick to my way :joy: she wouldnt even hold him after that hasnt seen him since he was 4weeks old!

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Just listen here. You are the mother. Tell her to back off. That is your child. You gave that child life. You grew that baby in your body. You created that miracle.

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Honey just keep takeing care of your baby an be a couple steps ahead of grandma i wish she would talk with you an not be over bearing

Don’t let her take your baby. Wrap your arms around her and tell her “I’ve got her, thank you”


Sometimes you just need to tell people to back up.

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Well your going to get it no matter what. I’m 40 and have 13 year old daughter and have been married 20 years

My EX MIL did this shit when my son was born. I did what everyone suggested and tried yo talk to her. I was told, in a nutshell, that I’m a bad mom. She even threatened to call CPS on me if I went out to a BBQ on the 4th of july. That woman put me through unimaginable he’ll for 13 years. Her son, my man, stood by her.
I left him. Never been happier. Pissed I wasted 13 years but my boys hate their grandma so win win for me :grin:

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Im an older mom and people did that to me to so it doesnt matter your age …stand up for yourself…that is your baby and your chocies dont let anyone tell you how to raise your child :slight_smile: good luck mama you got this


It is YOUR baby, you grew it, it came out of YOU.

Next time she pulls that bullshit:

  1. Tell her NO
  2. Point to your boyfriend and say “YOUR baby is over there”

Doesnt matter how young you are, that is YOUR child. She had her turn, and now she can back tf off.

“If and when I want your help or advice, I will ask for it”


Just love the fact that you have a great mom just trying to help talk to hear from you your heart love beat mad

Your child your rules so just politely say with all due respect this is how im doing things and I’d appreciate it if you respect that period.


You are the mama and she needs to respect you, be gentle because you both have the best interest of the baby in mind but tell her that when you need advice or help she will be the first one you’ll call. Good luck and congratulations :confetti_ball:

And Dorthy Dix says! , you are likely to young to know who Dorothy was, she had all the answeres for marriage problems and family situations

I had my daughter when i was 18. Took her to a baby shower and my friends mom was holding her. She dipped her pacifier in a mixed beverage and stuck it in her mouth. I punched her in the face.


Just be like “thanks, but I got this” :woman_shrugging:t2: and walk away with your baby

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Tell her to back the hell up! It’s your child I’ve had to do it with my family and my in laws.

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Two words I found very handy when people give me unsolicited advice: “FUCK OFF”


Can you try to get an apartment with bf together. There are places that will help young mom’s!

It is YOUR baby. She has ZERO right to tell you not to touch the baby or to leave it alone. If you live with her it’s going to be uncomfortable but you are going to have to start taking the baby back when she “helpfully removes” it from your arms.
If you don’t live with her- once she starts this nonsense it’s time to go home. You don’t need to put up with that kind of ridiculousness!
You aren’t alone, you are doing your best and that baby loves you.


Your baby, your rules. Sometimes you just have to say it like it is. Back up and if she doesnt respect your wishes, reconsider toxic relationships like that… you dont need your child around stuff like that


I’m also a young mum and I was also in your position, all i thought was that at the end of the day YOU’RE the mother and YOU do what you think is right for your child :heartpulse:

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Run away…fast !!!

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Be careful not to let them under your skin. You need to limit visitors time so you can bond with your baby. You love and talk to your baby just like you when you were carrying your baby .

Definitely talk to her, say that you know she’s trying to help and appreciate her, but this is your baby and you are going to raise her. Tell her if you need help, you will ask. If she tries to take the baby when she is crying just say “I got her” and tell the baby, “mommy’s here”… if that doesn’t work you will have to tell that bitch to stay in her lane. I wouldn’t involve the baby’s dad though. Take it up with mom directly.


Tell her to back off it’s your child.

Put both of their asses on the spot and say something. Stand your ground. It’s your child.

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No girl. That is your baby. If you need help ask her. Your boyfriend should tell her to stop as well.

Id tell her if she wants to parent so bad shes got a beautiful over grown boy that needs a lil adjusting💯


Your baby! Tell his mom Thanks, but no thanks! If you need her help you will ask for it.

Very certain people kept trying to do this to me when my son was born and after a week of crying I was tired of it and went momma mode. Literally. I let instinct take over and went out and took my baby. When they tried to take him back I would let those instincts kick in again and snap at them for inappropriately trying to take my child from me.

It is ok to snap a little. Bite a little and let then know YOU are mom. Sometimes it seems like your mothering instinct absolutely needs to put another woman’s in place that wont back off the child.

Sounds weird… But im betting you moms have felt what im talking about.

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Speak up, say what’s inside your mind. Tell them you’re done with all the interference and you will not accept it any longer. It’s your baby, you’re the one who will raise the baby and if you need any help then you’ll ask. Until then, young mom or not you are going to make mistakes, but you will learn from them. Set them boundaries, tell them exactly how you feel.

I’ve experienced something somewhat similar… It is absolutely frustrating and hurtful have someone behaving that way but maybe she really is just trying to be helpful… I think having a good talk with her about what YOU feel is acceptable would be the first step… You mentioned being young… She is probably just head over heels in love with her grandchild and doesn’t even realize she’s overstepping… Just keep reminding her firmly but politely… try not to get riled up as hard as it may be… Good luck, I know it’s hard, but you got this mama

You will need to stand your ground with family, they need to learn your boundaries, it’s nothing personal but you’re it’s mother and you should be taking care of it, they can hold and cuddle but they give the baby back immediately when he/she needs you for whatever reason it doesn’t matter, you are mom. Granny has raised her own, now she gets to do cuddle when you say so. Sometimes though it’s just them trying to help so being sensitive about the situation is maybe a good idea but being firm as well as kind is important, don’t let it go the other way and be stuck with that kind of situation. It’s perfectly acceptable to say please give me my baby, I am his mother and I need to take care of him myself(since you need to learn to).

You need to get on the same page with your boyfriend and have him tell him mom to back off. Say it is due to anxiety, which is true. Say the pediatrician said _____ and that this is how you want to do it or this is what works for our family. Plain and simple. If you don’t find your voice now, your child will learn that they never have to listen to you.

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Time to show her who is boss. You can tell her no you’ve got this. Remind her you’re the mom and you can handle it. ESPECIALLY if you live with her. If she is a visitor start limiting visiting times and set guidelines that visitors have to call before they show up. Lock your door and don’t answer if the bell rings and you aren’t expecting it too

You just need to put your foot down and set boundaries. This is my daughter and I will do as I please with her. You had your chance with your kids, let us do this the way we want and if we want advice will ask

Yeah I’d get snappy with everyone REAL quick

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Sorry about my previous comment. I had not seen the whole post yet. My advice, throw a dirty diaper at them :blush: that’ll get them to shut up real quick

I am 31 now and have a 12 and almost 10 year old and people STILL DO that. Had my son when I was 18. It drives me crazy…
I get snappy at times and tell them 1. It’s not their child or children…
2. If they want to be a parent, have their own kids.

Stand up for yourself and your child. TRUST me if she keeps it up it will ruin your relationship with him too for not having your back.

I had the same problem I did end up talking to my partner explained I feel like she is taking away my chance to be a mother just so she can be a grandma we where living with her and end of day we had to ask her politely more than 3 times not to interfere she wouldn’t listen and said we where just using her and she kicked us and baby out we have been better for it since

You need to take control before to late! It’s your baby no one else’s learn thru mistakes like the rest of us good luck sweetie

Stand your ground. It will continue until you speak up.

This is YOUR baby. Go all mama bear on them if you have to. It’s not the best advice but some people just won’t back off. And as a mom you do what you gotta do.