How to potty train a stubborn 2 year old?

I know it’ll happen when she’s ready but anyone have potty training tips for a stubborn two year old she will gladly go if someone sends her and gets super excited when she pees and says no more pull ups but will not go on her own. i’ve tried rewarding her but it doesn’t work she loves the praise though so we do that. she can tell me if she has to pee or poop to go in the potty but will not send herself. any tips on how to get her to send herself even just once a day?


My 3 year old boy was in pull ups and I ran out I had size five diapers I tried to put one one him and he got mad and said no I am a big boy and went on potty we have yet to have a accident he evan gets up at night

Honestly you can’t force a kid. I tried to get my older kiddo to potty train early and nothing worked until she was ready. My 2nd kiddo is 4 and finishing potty training. It’ll happen when it happens mama💖


Are you only using pull-ups? Those were too similar to a diaper feel for my kids. If you can, dedicate a couple of days and put her in underwear. Expect a couple of accidents but likely she won’t like the feeling of having the accident in the underwear and that will incentive for her to go on the potty (hopefully). Either way good luck!

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When she’s ready.
My 4yo is now just potty trained. Took all the stress away waiting for when he was ready.


I ran a childcare home for over 25 years, many children to help potty train. In my experience, they’re going to do it when they’re ready, not when you want to dismiss buying diapers. (this is said in the most caring way) If you’re ready and they’re not, you’re going to have constant stressors, all day everyday. Enjoy the short time that you have with your kids before they’re “one of the big kids)


Buy her several packages of regular toddler underwear in colors and patterns she likes. Make sure they are a little big for her. Put them in a box or basket and put them near her potty chair in the bathroom. Talk about what a big girl she is and when she needs to potty she can do it herself. Show her where to put her panties she has accidents in and back off. She and only she is in charge of potty training. She can change her panties when needed and wet ones can go in a bucket you provide. Don’t scold her for accidents and praise her for accomplishments or even if she calls you to wipe her. Personally, I would only put pull ups on her for outings. They don’t feel any differently on the child’s body so the connection of being wet isn’t easy. She is still little; she’ll figure it out.

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I would honestly put it on pause until she’s more ready. My daughter turned two in March and I haven’t even thought about potty training her even though she has started to mention when she goes poop. I think two is still a little young for toddlers to fully understand the concept. That’s just my opinion though. Unless my daughter shows more signs of readiness I wouldn’t push it. They have plenty of time. Also, I took a workshop on potty training not long ago just to refresh myself on this topic and it was brought up that when you do start potty training not to use pull ups (during the day at least) because pull ups are still close to a diaper and toddlers know they can still wet themselves and it won’t matter. It’s best to use underwear so that when they are wet they will feel uncomfortable and will be more opt to use the toilet.

My 2 year old trained a bit later than his brother and sister because he was super stubborn. He knew how to do it and how to say it but would regress after a day or 2. Once he hit 2 1/2 he took off and we never looked back :blush: lots of encouragement and they will get it :blush:

Real underwear so the wetness is felt
And you also need her to understand that there are feelings in the tummy when you have to go. The tingle of having to pee or the farting heavy feeling of having to poop. Explain it how you like.
There is more too potty training than just taking them to go and a prize when they do

Buy her pretty dresses and encourage her with stickers… Don’t rush her but just enjoy the moments of another milestone.

I waited till 3. Not worth hassle in my opinion


I trained all my kids at 2. I think it’s more about the parent being ready. I would get rid of the pull ups lots of praise and most importantly be consistent!!

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She’s not stubborn she isn’t ready

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