How to potty train a child with autism?

Put a cheerio in the toliet. Make it fun for them. Gives them something to aim at.

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:sparkles:positive reinforcement​:sparkles:

my daughter is autistic but not diagnosed and she’s doing very good on the potty she’s good about telling me when she needs to go and i give her high fives and i’m very animated about giving her praise for going potty💖

My husband wasn’t on the spectrum and he wasn’t fully night time potty trained until 10. Sometimes things take longer for others. :heart:

Time and patience dear mama!

Wait until they are ready. My son is a week from 6 and has only just gotten to wearing underwear during the day most days. Just get the. Some special undies, with patterns or their favourite thing, and shoe them.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train a child with autism? - Mamas Uncut

Don’t try to force it and just continually keep encouraging.
My kiddo didn’t potty train until after 4th birthday, one day he just decided it was his time.

I have several friends with autistic children who didn’t potty train until 6-10 years old. Don’t force it. I know it gets frustrating. Talk with your ped or someone who specializes in autistic children.

My son goes to ABA therapy and they took him every 15 minutes to start. He only wore underwear. Once he had that down, they moved it to 30 minutes & then an hour. He also had a request card for the bathroom. Dont bank on pooping though :sob::rofl: my son refuses to poop at school and comes home and throws his pull up on. We are still working on it. As of now, if he poops in a diaper, he does it in the bathroom. Small steps!

I started my daughter on a schedule
And then we had a potty time watch that went off every half hour. And then I slowly increased the time between potty times

She started being watched by my dad tho because I went back to work. He never remembered to bring her even with the watch

So, we had to start all over again.

She started telling us when she needs to go only recently. She’s 5

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Mine wasn’t ready… he just turned 4 in June… but I made sure he knew how to use the potty and I ordered special stickers of cars and trucks and motorcycles and whenever he used the potty to pee he got to pick a sticker and put it on a chart… and if he pooped he could do 5 stickers… I want gonna have them be different numbers of stickers but he started to withhold his poops and would go a week or more… I ended up having to get laxatives cause he would hold them in for so long they would get big and hard making him cry… I felt so bad! I offered him briefs but he only wanted his cool new super people underwear and he didn’t want to mess them up and was scared to sit on the potty… we started potty training in October and he still has issues every now and then pooping but I keep track and try to rub his belly in clockwise circles every three days he doesn’t poop


My sister let the boys run around with nothing on to potty train them. They were trained “on time”. I had a potty chair for them in my living room when they came over. Only the youngest used it

Hey there! My son just turned 3 and we’ve been potty training since December :grimacing:

We started too early, but just decided to go with it.

Does your son speak? Sign? My son didn’t do either. I’ve read somewhere it can take up to a year to potty train an autistic toddler. :crazy_face:

We tried the stickers but he had no interest. The only thing that motivated him was a “potty treat” jar. So I put skittles in it and everytime he went potty, we gave him a potty treat. He hasn’t worn a diaper or pull up (except for naptime and bedtime) since December. He still has some accidents but he tells us he has to go bc he runs up to us bouncing or doing a “dance”. We used the big potty with a cover so he can sit on it and a step stool.

If you have any questions on how we did things, feel free to message me! :yellow_heart:

Don’t force it. I was the same way. And my son was 6 when one day out of the blue just went on his own sat on the toilet and went. It’s at their own pace. The less tramatic the experiences the better. My son is 8 and he still wants his binky… The world is hard enough for them. Us. I’m on the spectrum as well… I’m not ripping away basic comforts for my child. To make society comfortable.
My child is happy. And that what matters.
And be easy on yourself and have compassion for yourself. Once things start clicking… time flies and he grew and advance pretty quick.

And remember. They’re not giving us a hard time. Theryre having a hard time.

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Our integrated preschool was a life saver for my son. The interest he showed when other kids got rewards for potty training. He wanted in on the action :rofl:

Potty watch, my nephew was 4 when they started we all pitched in to help. He wouldn’t tell us and if we asked or if we said tell us when you have to go he wouldn’t. So we would just take him every 30 mins and waited for him to go. We made a huge deal out of him going. Potty dance clapping you name it we did it!!

My 9 year old just recently potty trained(only day time). I tried and tried with her but it never worked. Her teacher aides was able to keep her on a potty schedule and took her often thought out the day. They were the ones who potty trained my girl.

We used a potty timer and slowly increased the time between potty breaks.

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Reward system. Potty schedule.

My little brother is 9 he’s still struggling with going #2 he will do it tho but he started getting the hang of it at around 5-6 even with as much as my mom pushed and tried try a sticker chart that after so many stickers he gets a prize

Be patient mine was 4 when he got pottied trained. He is autistic ODD and ADHD

My son got the potty thing at age 5 and number two is a struggle hes 10. He knows how but wants others to help him

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My Grandson is just now getting it and he’s 11 patience patience patience it’s not their fault


Same struggles! Mines 6 and we haven’t been able to get it down

Try a urinal or coffee can…I know it sounds crazy but it worked! Buy a HUGE bag of Dumdum suckers too…

We did the underwear method. They were both potty trained in 3 days.

I literally stopped trying with my son I just gave up and 1 day out the blue he started doing it himself… I think trick is don’t be to hard on yourself or push them to hard x

Be patient. My autistic son was almost 8yrs old before he was fully potty-trained. The same praise/reward methods work but it can just take longer. Try to set a schedule in the morning, after meals, before bedtime so your child gets used to going on the potty. If they have an accident, try to determine how long it was since they last ate or drank anything. Be patient with them and yourself. You both will clear this hurdle.

Literally I went around the house following him with the potty when he was 2.5 and every time he went to go I would sit him on it rewarded him when he did I literally did nothing but this… a few days later he did it by himself it was repetitive and I literally followed him or took him with me to the toilet so I didn’t miss him peeing behind the lounge lol :joy:

My son wasn’t ready till he was 5/6 yr
Also every child is different you will know when the time is right cause he will show you when he’s ready

My kiddo is 5 and on the higher end of the spectrum. Potty training isn’t even a worry to us.
But I’ve been told that he will let you know his diapers/pull ups are dry throughout the night. Idk what part of the spectrum he’s on and if he’s able to communicate with you so it’s hard to give advice.
My kiddo doesn’t communication, she’s nonverbal and she doesn’t know how to express herself. if your overly concerned and he gets ABA, I would discuss it with them or look into signing him up for it. They’ll help with all basic life skills.

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It can take a while for the nerve that tells them they need to pee to develop. Start by talking about being clean and why it is a good thing and makes people happy. Draw a storyboard of what happens when you go potty and what happens when you forget (peeing in pants, having to change, being wet, being sad). Make a diary of when they go and make sure they go regularly. You will need to take them or give them a firm instruction to go. Don’t rely on him to go by himself…especially if he’s doing an activity he doesn’t want to stop. Timetable going to the toilet into activities. Explain it’s time for a break for a drink and the toilet, but that you can go back to the activity. Make sure he drinks enough as many autistic children forget to drink too and he might get scared about having accidents and not drink enough. I tried lots of fancy techniques but in the end the diary and toilet breaks were the only things that worked. They started to know they needed the toilet at five or six but we still had accidents. Having a bag with a change of clothes and wipes helped hugely when they went to nursery and school.

My son is 11 and still not fully trained. Don’t go in with high expectations. They learn and grow and thier own pace. Good luck

My son is 5 now and he still has to wear a pull up overnight. He was truly scared of the whole process and I was so frustrated and angry that NOTHING was working until he was diagnosed with autism so I took a breather or 100 and I would bring it up every so often until he was finally OK with it and we took it from there slowly but we’re getting there. Hang in there PATIENCE IS KEY

Took my boys outside. My 14 yr old has Aspergers and at 4 just started peeing in the yard. Think he realized it didn’t feel good being wet. He was very sensitive to certain feelings. It worked. My 5 yr old start at less than 2 just because he saw his brother do it. Hasn’t been in a day diaper since. And, no, no one sees them. There’s only one section it’s allowed.

Does he have any particular interests my nephew is autistic and is obsessed with numbers my sister painted numbers in all different colours over the bathroom walls he never wanted to leave the bathroom…x

Think of Dr Spock on Star Trek. Logical , black and white only . Bribes don’t work as well . Mine was explained he hated to be wet/ dirty , I’m not cleaning you anymore. Two accidents I sent to bathroom to clean themselves, boom they were great

Potty training is about 90% parental attentiveness and 10% effort and readiness on the child’s part. You trained them to soil themselves, now you have to be attentive 100% of the time to reverse that training. Research elimination communication to gain understanding on how to utilize your attentiveness to guide them to use a toilet.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train a child with autism?

my son actually is potty trained also he is autism. he did do that himself in his own time .

Not sure if this will help but we done a sticker chart and if the child gets so many stickers like say 10 we would take them to Chuky cheese or some where else special. Make sure the chart is present on the wall in the bathroom so they can count as well

Videos and books showing him others… get him singing and do it repeatedly for days and add prizes. Also take him to meijer and target etc and shop and ask if he has to go potty. Praying for you mama♥️

My grandson is autistic, we had a hard time until I started putting sweats on him. He went from going on himself to using the potty. Guess its was just easier for him to get them up and down. Also we used M&Ms lol. Good luck.

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Cereal…throw a few pieces in the bowl and tell to sink the cereal…fun and promotes aiming skills. They also need to be able to recognize the feelings of needing to go

Have him sit on toilet with his favorite book or toy. Set a timer- have him sit for 2 minutes and try every 15-20. I had help with my sons aba therapy. But it was doing it for X amount of minutes sitting- and then every X amount of minutes. You just keep doing it until he gets the hang of it & starts using the potty. Having a reward (if he is motivated with food or candy- little pieces) give him that when he does go on the potty so he sees that it’s a good thing.


I really don’t know how to answer that. My great-grandson is autistic and about that same age or a little older. He’s still in diapers. He gets so frustrated and upset when they try to get him to the toilet. It’s not worth it to keep at it at this point. He’s now in special Ed at school in a program. We’re hoping that with some of that training and routine, it will be possible to use that focus in potty training.

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l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18830 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Kids in general usually won’t go right away. You just keep putting them on the potty and praise them when they do go instead of reprimand them when they don’t

My son is 7 & is autistic. We had to desensitize him to the toilet because he was scared of it. We started by getting him to touch it with his hand for 2 seconds, every hour. Every day we increased the time. Once we got to 10 seconds, we changed it to leaning on the toilet for 2 seconds, & repeated the process. Then we moved to having him sit on it, lid down, fully clothed. Then moved to lid up fully clothed. Then eventually moved to pants down, sitting for 2 seconds, increasing the time each time. We would do this every 45-min to a hour. We gave him alot of praise, high fives, each time. Stickers, toys, etc, didn’t work with him. When he finally started catching on, he sat backwards. Then moved to sitting forward. He was 6 when we started this. He’s 7 now & will tell us when he has to pee. He still won’t stand to pee, & still won’t poop on it, but we’re working on it. It takes alot of patience & alot of time. But you got this Momma!

I don’t know if you know this but kids with autism can be potty trained just how you would potty train any kid


It’s just like any other kid. You try every freaking thing until you find what works.


Consistency n rewards my boy actually started peeing outside after the dog so I moved his potty chair outside then to the porch then inside the house n slowly moved it to the bathroom now granted we lived in the hills so I didn’t have to worry bout neighbors

Consistency and lots of praise even for just sitting on it and make a big deal if he pees or poos

Having a visual for the child is helpful (whether it be the steps of how to use the potty like sitting, washings hands, or like a schedule of when you go potty, books, videos about pottying, and just finding what works for that kid. I heard of people moving the potty in the living room and pushing liquids to get some success at first!

I get paid over $ 125 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 18704 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. M0re Info.

My son is almost 9 and was toilet trained by 6, we sat my son on the toilet for periods of time somtimes with his tablet or a book that help him have little pees he would come with me to the toilet also and I’d tell him what I was doing etc having his sister helped a lot he didn’t like his nappies when he saw his sister wearing them too the key is to persist with it every day .

I have a 4 year old who has autism and I am having the same trouble. I have joined some groups on Facebook for parents who have child with autism they give some really good tips and tricks to try. I wish I could help more but im still struggling in thus area to sending love

I Get Paid 0ver $ 109 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13085 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The possibility with this is limitless.


Persistence and patience? Eventually they’ll figure out what to do (at least my son did but every kid is different).

Mine went with me and my husband whenever we went to the bathroom and got rewarded for just sitting on the toilet and bigger rewards for using the toilet. Ours was three when it clicked and then he regressed and we went through it again but now he’s almost 9 and doing great.

l get paid over $155 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17412 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

No advice but keep trying. Mine was 6 when he was fully potty trained.

Not sure of this will help with an autistic child but when my boys started potty training I put a single cheerio in the toilet and told them to aim at it with their pee pee and made it a game they loved it and made it easy way to potty train them

Don’t “potty” train him…

Take him to the toilet several times an hour. If you are fortunate enough to have a down stairs toilet let him use that.

No nappies either. Let him choose under wear in the shop.

He will go when he’s ready. (I have 2 boys with autism)

Potty party! I used to work in a specialized autistic school and we would sit in the bathroom all day! Look it up on google. We had good success with it.

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My oldest is autistic (she just finally had the testing to confirm what we already knew) and it took her until 1st grade to be fully potty trained. She still has issues that require her to see a GI specialist.
The best I can say is to not force it. Which I get is so hard. Especially as they get older. The more you force it, the more they start to fear it. She will eventually get it but it takes so much patience on your part.

My little girl is nearly 6 and she isn’t in nappies but she won’t go to the toilet at night. We have to leave a bucket in her room! Not ideal but whatever works….
Best of luck

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Following, my son is 5 with sensory issues and I haven’t had luck. He will only wear specific diapers :pensive: no pull ups no undies no being naked. It’s a struggle and it’s frustrating for both of us. You’re not alone.

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What worked for my son was sitting him backwards on the potty. Days without diapers a few messes. But when he did go make a huge deal out of it and lethim pick a sticker he could put on the backof the toliet lid and each time he went made it a big deal . Even lollipops a grab bag of toys n treats !! Eventually he would go on his own , at night yes there would be a mess but cutting down drinking at night always cutting the hour from drinking till no more accidents . He was 4 or 5 at the time . Now he’s 8 and doing good. You have to know there’s going to be tons of accidents and clean up !! Best of luck to you.

I got my son’s favorite juice and allowed him unlimited access to it lol kept him in underwear with his favorite characters/animals on it so he liked them. If he didn’t make it to the toilet he had to clean up his mess. It took months of frustration, laundry and consistency but he’s fully potty trained with pee now. He still will poop his underwear :see_no_evil: haven’t found a good enough bribe to get him to stop that.

Potty training a child with autism/sensory issues is totally different then a normal child. Depending on the type and stuff. They may not be able to tell u they will go at their own pace. Then again I know kids that never r potty trained and that’s ok to. You have to do things on their terms