How long did it take for you to go into labor after a membrane sweep?

Mamas that had their membrane swept when did you go into labor? I had it done at 10am this morning and nothing. Not one contraction, spoting, cramp nothing lol or maybe I’m not feeling it.


Doesn’t always work remember , but usually should with in 24 hours

I had mine done on a Monday and went into labor on Friday. Of course I sat on my ball and did some walking in between so it worked for me. When I first got it done I didn’t feel a thing either. But Thursday evening things started up a bit and by the next morning is when it went into full swing.

About 24 hours afterwards. I did have spotting and cramping right after the sweep.

12 hrs after I had mine done I delivered the baby both times but it was my 3rd and 4th child …not everyone is the same hope that helps…and blessings for a safe delivery…

Might need a couple of sweeps, G.L xx

The next day. My OB at the time said if it worked, it’ll work within 24-48 hours. It doesn’t always work though, only if you’re actually ready to go into labor. It does help with getting dilation going though :slight_smile:

I didn’t go into labor. I had to be induced two weeks later.

I had 2 done in the 39th week. I still had to be induced at 42 weeks.

It didn’t for me and I was induced