How long after losing your mucus plug did you give birth?

37.5 hours later and ended with a Cesarean

Days and days all 3 times. Sometimes weeks

Lost mine 4 days after due date and had baby 12 hours later

9 days after my due date, and only because I was being induced. She was born maybe 12hrs later

Lost mine at 29 weeks and 1 day and he was born 5 days later. Don’t remember losing it for my 2nd, she came at 36 weeks.

1 week exactly with all 3 pregnancies

37 weeks water broke 24 hours later!

It doesn’t mean anything

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Like a few hrs before she came but I had a sweep done and was in labor after that! :slight_smile:

I kept losing lil pieces if mine over a week ish

I lost mine 4 weeks before my son came. Your body regenerates it. I then lost a second one 1 day before I went into labour

With my 1st son I never lost it and my 2nd son I was losing little by little for a few weeks

I lost mine…then 20mins later got contractions (was carrying twins though)

Never did for my first two .

Lost it with my first after getting my membrane stripped twice… still ended up having to get induced.
Didnt even lose it with my second one… got induced with him too lol

I had my two days after that

Lost it and a week after had to induce labor and ended up with a c-section .

i lost mine when i was in the hospital with contractions and gave birth probably like 9 hours later

Never did with my 3 healthy pregnancies

i didnt loose mine until hours into active labor with my
first. This time I lost some of it at 36 weeks.
nothings happened since :woman_shrugging:t4: it can re grow

I lost mine 2-3 hours after my water broke. I went straight to the hospital, within an hour I was 10 cm and my son was coming. Everyone is different.

I have no idea when i lost mine lol