How do I get closure from my recent break up?

Gaining closure is for you. Grieve your loss, cry over what you thought your future would be like, and then take the attention off of him. Look inward and heal. You can find the closure in you, for you. Strive to be a little better than you were the day before. You deserve time to hurt but you can also be the one make you feel better when you are ready.

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It’s hard to hear right now, but he is afraid of commitment. He did you a favor - the trash took itself out. Just figure out tour next steps based on what is best for YOU. Don’t factor getting back together with him at all, because that will lead you to making the wrong decisions right now.


Move on that is pretty crappie

Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, knock the dust off and use that pain and energy to better yourself! Show this POS you don’t need him and don’t look back! Take things one day at a time and pray for strength and guidance! Girl you got this!!


Take it as a learning lesson, go where you have a support system and try to move on without looking back :sparkling_heart:

Stay strong, believe in you. Beautiful days are ahead ride the storm, his loss don’t look back.

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It was wise of him to be honest now instead of carrying on for years . Give yourself a big hug and a shake and get on with your life . You are strong, you can do it !!!

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You should be jumping for joy. You already gave two years lucky for you it didn’t take him a lifetime to tell you. The world is a big place there’s lots of great single people who want a relationship go out there and find your person. Stop wasting time on your pass.

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I’m so sorry for you to have to go thru this! I was 29 when my x rode off on his motorcycle with his young secretary leaving me in our new house with our two kids….in 1977! YOU WILL SURVIVE and figure it out and move on !!! We had owned a two family house with renters that I could have financially stayed in if we hadn’t sold and kids changed school… it feels like my world ended but now as I look back it was a blessing!

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It’s sad but move on if it was meant 2 be he will come back. If not he might have been saving u from something and it was a blessing in disguise. U didn’t lose anything it just sounds like ur getting a new perspective on a fresh chapter. :wink: enjoy the time 2 urself as u explore a new job a new town and a new home u can make all urs. U never know mr right might be the next guy u meet at a random party.

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Go back to your support system wether it’d be friends or family and start fresh, focusing on you and never give up so much for anyone that won’t do the same for you.


Eat chocolate ice cream

Not any advice really but I love this song. You got this Girl! No matter what you decide!

You won’t get answers and seeking them will only prolong your heartache. Best way to get over it? Throw yourself into your new life be successful and happy xxx


It’s hard to hear but you’re better off. Hold your head up and know you don’t need him. Go back to your previous town maybe get your old job back and never look back. He is the loser not you.

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Just move on & stop talking about the past let go right now because the longer you continue the harder it will actually be.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I get closure from my recent break up? - Mamas Uncut

My husband left me after 26 years totally out of the blue . I was devestated. it gets better with time.


I wouldn’t stay in that town ( his home town) go back where you was before or find a job in a whole new town. You should be able to find a flat and it’s only you. Make new friends start again. If he comes back don’t let him move in. He might. You are one lucky girl.


He wasn’t worth it! Sometimes things happen for a reason. You stay strong don’t look back,look forward, and keep going. God is big and he has a better plan for you to better things. It’s his loss your gain. Don’t let nothing get you down. Tell yourself you are nobody’s fool!!! Your not the first or last! You can do this! Always stay positive and stay strong. Keeping you in prayers​:pray: Cheers to better things​:clinking_glasses::champagne:


:triangular_flag_on_post:GET OUT NOW! Before it’s too late. Trust me it will only get worse trying to build a life with someone like him I know from experience and trust me you’re just hurting yourself by trying to hold on. I wasn’t so smart or lucky. Don’t end up miserable like me. Just let him go… 2 years isn’t very long… the longer u try with him the worse it will get. Good luck to u trust me I know how u feel…

Being blindsided by something is the worst, especially when that something is a someone you sacrificed your life for, only to be left high snd dry. You can’t help but be down on yourself, wondering what happened, what did you do wrong, etc., but as hard as it is, try to realize what happened is a blessing. No one wants the responsibility of keeping up a dead beat, and it sounds like that’s what you’d be stuck with. And what would you do with that resentment? So give yourself permission to grieve and go through all of the emotions, hate, anger, sadness, etc., and then pick yourself up and look in the mirror and tell yourself, you’re a better, wiser person now because of this experience. Then, go show what you’re made of! And btw, ignore all forms of contact, not allowing your heart to be drug around like some security blanket.


Man, what an awful thing to happen to you.
Look at it this way, it’s cost you time and money but it could have been so much worse. I know that doesn’t lessen your pain right now but you’re gonna get through this.
I’d call my boss and see if I could go back where you had a support system. We all make mistakes but you can overcome this one-dodged a bullet. :heart: Good luck to you.


Go back to where your friends and family are that love you. Someone that loves you won’t expect you to give up everyone in your life. You dodged a bullet. Better now than down the track when there’s children involved. The man of your dreams is one step closer now. Maybe closer than you think. Good luck. I hope you find happiness again soon. :rainbow::sunny:

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I always told my daughters to never depend on a man to get you through life. Make your own money, have your own career, and take care of yourself above all others.


Start a new life. Start fresh reminding yourself to put God and YOURSELF first. Everything else will always work its self out. Its ok to be hurt, humans have feelings (unfortunately :rofl:) but don’t let it break you. Keep a smile.


Praying :pray: for you to find your answers. Praying helps. You deserve better. He was using you. Just focus on yourself and do whatever it is that makes you happy. Don’t look back. It will only get worse.

Good you found out now he’s not worth it you can do it one day at a time

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The best is yet to come…Better now then after u signed the papers. I’m sure you will see thing’s different in the future. Keep your head up. Stay Garded MANY blessings…

.be thankful that he pulled out prior to big debt. Start your been job work for and screw him more fish n the river

I know it hurts! But this is God’s divine intervention. Imagine having a house together in this mess. GOODBYE and thanks for doing me a favor is what I’d say. Again, I know it still hurts, hugs and prayers.

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Take it one decision at a time. Just think of yourself. Say over and over: What’s best for me? You’ll go through the usual steps of loss. Betrayal is tough. Deception is tough. No sugar coating it. It’s hard with Covid to meet new people in a new town but try your best to stay busy. Keeping your mind occupied will help. And by the way- you were lied to and deceived- this is not your fault.

It’s ok to feel hurt!!! I know everyone says you will get over it but the hurt right now stinks. Don’t be bitter learn from it and move forward . There’s someone out there that will love you and cherish you the way you deserve. It’s hard but the best things in life are! You’ve got this!

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Wow that’s a horrible thing to do on his part. But pick yourself up as hard as it is right now, it will get better! I believe everything happens for a reason and sometimes you don’t know what that reason is, and you can’t think past what has happened and it hurts, hurts real bad! But one day you’ll look back and think ‘that’s why’ and it will make sense. Believe me!! I hope you are OK :heart:

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Be thankful you didn’t sign anything then find out. To me you dodged a bullet. Go back home. He doesn’t deserve you and how was he going to sign a contract for a house with no money? He did you a favor. Consider yourself schooled.


Move on, if he did that to you like that he’ll do it again and again if given the opportunity.


You are blessed that it happened before getting that home together. Start your new job settle in or move back to where you are originally from.


That was a douche thing to do . Sounds like he already has a back up .


Be thankful y’all weren’t married and signed some type of financial contract and he bailed on you.

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hit the road find a new love of your life only took 2 years for hi this time go for the money

Move on with yourself first. Do you and you find a person that takes the relationship seriously

I say get the house anyways, start the job. Build youre life back but better :blush: thats just me though.

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stay where you at and shit on him period!

Never ever speak to him again. Don’t even look at him.

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Welcome to the club my friend that panties and I refuse to beg anybody to love me is their loss not yours karma is a bitch

Really need an eye roll button or fuck that button for this site

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He’s a jerk. Have a good cry or throw a good fit then count your loses and move on.

Screw that loser. Start your new job and get on with your life

Move on. Let it be a lesson to not do it again

Be an adult. Problem solved.
Of course rest assured you’ll get expert advice from wastebook on how deal with any problems you have

Better now than later.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I get closure from my recent break up? - Mamas Uncut

He did you a favor by showing his true colors. Fix your crown and move on. Best wishes to you🙏🏻


Girl fix your crown you got this
Your strong enough to stand on your own 2 feet and you know what you deserve better. He didn’t deserve you at all. Stand tall and show him your doing just fine without him and know your self worth and love yourself enough to let go. You keep the house and job and build yourself a great life that you totally deserve and you do not need him trust yourself you got this and it is called girl power.


Awe, so sorry to hear… This is a blessing in disguise… Just think if you had moved forward and he didn’t tell you… keep praying hun, God will lead you down better paths… Im sorry your hurting, but it will pass… This relationship is no good for you, as it has to be real… You will find real, but in the meantime be good to yourself and find enjoyment every day in New things… Praying for you :slight_smile:


Only place to go is up. You have this. You don’t need a man that doesn’t know what he wants. U gave up everything but u have already got a job and everything else. Your already stronger than u are feeling. It hurts and it will for awhile but u do u and make him wish he never pulled out of a life with you.


Sorry to hear this. But better now than later. Two years is to soon to be buying a house with someone. Focus on YOU now. Pick up the pieces and move on. If he can dump you with no warning then he isn’t worth it. Erase him from your phone, and your life. Take your time. Mr Right is out there. Again focus on you and rebuilding your life.


You will be fine, you have already hit bottom, so now there’s no where to go but up. Just don’t let him come back, because he’s going to try.

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He did you a favor… You should have someone that wants you. . . I give him credit for stepping up. It sucks but in the end you’ll be better off.

Just let it go. I know it hurts but this is a blessing you won’t see that now but just imagine if he did stay moved in together and got even more involved then he drops that bomb. It’s alot better this way work on your self make you happy and live your life!

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That’s the past ,time to focus on yourself ,your life and if you have any children if you have a job lined up I know it’s hard but take it …in time you will see the changes and differences you made done …to the very best of luck to you :hibiscus:

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Well first you go straight to your knees and thank GOD he left! U won’t be able to imagine the favor he has done you til ur heart heals but trust me on this. He DID U A FAVOR. Better now than after a couple years (and/or kids) later and if he walked away that easily, he eventually would have. Do NOT reach out for answers. They don’t matter. MOVE ON! And the best way is to let your trusted friends “fix u up” with a different one once a week. YES! Once a week!! Gotta get that self esteem built back up. U ARE NOT LOST! U are fine!! You are beautiful and intelligent and worthy! Now get back out there! I’ll be praying for you!:heart:


Imagine if you did what you planned alafu he takes everything…I will not say that you are strong and you can handle it…pain is pain …I am so sorry that you are shattered…but it’s gonna be alright…and by the time you are healed you will be thanking God , that he Confused him and get out of your way …to bigger and mighty Blessings… CHEERS

Go back home and pick up where you left off. Don’t look back. Don’t stay there in his hometown. I wish you the best.

GIRL! You get off social media and YOU DO YOUR SHIT. Show him he ain’t shit without YOU.


This is so common with men. They run when under pressure. My ex did similar 6 weeks after buying a new house. Move on. Don’t contact him have nothing to do with him you’re so hurt now but lucky to get away now.


It is sad when a relationship must be ended. But on the bright side, you can now pause to look around and decide what’s best for you. He is no longer in the equation! And it sounds like you really dodged a bullet. Go where you want. Let your real direction and likes become established, before committing to a new man again.

I think everything happens for a reason although we may not know at the time…Maybe your new job is where you will find the true love of your life, you’ve been this adventurous, don’t lose it because one person failed you, that is just an early blessing in disguise…perhaps life with this man was meant never to happen.

You don’t need answers, move on, do what’s right for you and sort yourself out :hugs:

Better now then a 19 year relationship and found out he was with other females so go you got this

Why did he leave I missed.that part

I show him I could do it without him can u get ur old job baçk? If u can I go after it


Golly ! What a slime

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Buy the house without him. Date his friends if you want to. You got this girl :+1:t3: He’s not worth your happiness :pray:t3::heart:


Don’t take this wrong, but you cannot know someone well enough in two years to go into something as big as a house. You have to lay some foundation down in the relationship to see if it will endure storms.

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Date his best friend lol :joy:


Thank your lucky stars you found out early :relaxed:.


You just lucked out and do not realise it yet !


What an asshole…I’m sorry…

You can either stay in that area, find a place for you & make new friends, Or move back home & restart, No one should give up their friends for anyone, They still are your friends


Get over it. He left you. Let it go. He was 100% dishonest with you and left you hanging. That’s unforgivable! Never depend on a man.


Closure won’t be immediate or all at once. The best you can do is focus on yourself and your new life, with yourself as the priority. Over time you’ll either get the closure or wont feel the need for it.

Whatever you do, if he comes back, do NOT accept him. He’ll just do it again.

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Move on what he did to you was a blessing in disguise you don’t need him


Go your way he’s done :white_check_mark:

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If you are broke take the job and earn enough to get back where your friends are, be open and honest with them and move on!!!

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Move ahead. What happens will happen. So you want to stay in the new town or return to your beginning? Where will you get your support.
Move ahead . Stay strong. Blessings

Move on never look back

Go forward, sit and cry it out then push forward forever

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Go home ,forget him but remember this before you jump next time

We all to a degree need answers. The need to know why is overwhelming. I won’t go into the details of my breakup from over three years ago to a man I was with for six years, but I can say that it does get better… Even without that answer. I am still single after that relationship and how it unraveled, broke me. I don’t pine for him or miss him, but I’ve missed the man that I thought he was and he isn’t that man. I had to separate the two. I am just in this state of mind that I am still not ready for anything new. I was just as blindsided as you are. I found my own happiness, but it took therapy and a lot of patience. You may never get your answer for closure, but you may also get an answer that you do not absolutely want to hear or be prepared for. I’m so sorry for what you are going through.


Don t rush it just do one thing a day through he didn t die. For you its like that like grief and tou need to first come to terms with it, then see what plans you have to make to survive, ok first you need a job so u can pay for a place to live i wouldn t give the job offer just to show you u can do it there will be hard times thiugh good luck

Honey move forward don’t look back, live where you are, do the new job thing. All the while move your life in the direction you choose. Make that plan to move or what ever it is you want. While you make the best out of a bad situation.

Where are you staying now? If y’all didn’t even sign papers for a place to live at? Regardless, you at least got a job. I know it’s hard emotionally wise, cause that was extremely wrong of him. But now you see his true colors. Take them for what they are. You are a strong woman and brave actually. Get in contact with your friends from your hometown visa social media so you will have some people to trust as you build your life again. Try to focus on you. Work your job and save up. And then either stay there or move back home, or somewhere else entirely for a fresh start at life. don’t think about him, someone better will come a long gen you least expect it. I just pray you have a roof over your head and somewhere to sleep safely.

Reach out to your family it’s a good thing he backed out now doesn’t seem to be that responsible. Or a good girlfriend reach out to until you get back on your feet never depend on a man.

Where ever you go and whatever you do, make sure it is WITHOUT him.

Sorry for your hurt, but, move forward, take this as a learning curve, :heart:

This a time for you to start over, go to the new job. Show him he didn’t break you. Get up baby girl and straighten your CROWN!! YOU ARE A QUEEN!!

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Unless you want your life to be a revolving door of heartache leave now and don’t look back.i went back for “closure”.had a bunch of lies and broken promises thrown at me and because of the weakness I felt,went back.same thing happened.i know everyone’s situation is different.just my personal opinion and experience.stay strong and focus on YOU and YOUR kids.

Never , ever give it all up for anyone especially someone in a relationship…go back home and get back to work…never depend on anyone…or put all ur trust in anyone…ever

He should have come to you that’s where it went wrong