How can I get my baby to like car rides?

Tips on how to get your little ones to like car rides. My daughter is 11 months and absolutely hates car rides , cry’s almost the whole time


Could be the seat… make sure there’s nothing poking or pinching, and that she’s on a soft cushion.


The mirror for the seat. My daughter was like terrified for some reason until I got her a mirror to see herself. Then I did it for my son & he loved it too!! It saved us so much. Now I watch my sweet boy make faces at himself.

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my daughter was like that. i dont remmeber what we did. i think eventually she just stopped hating the car…but it was not fun.

I was like that when I was a kid. I started getting motion sick the minute the car started. Most of the time I threw up. I was sick the whole time. Ask her why she doesn’t like car rides ?

One of my kids was like this. I added a toy bar to the car seat and it worked for awhile. It could also be the sun, so make sure you put a see through sun shade up on the car door. I’ve also attached a tablet holder to the seat and had it play baby videos that I downloaded beforehand.

It could be the rear facing that she doesn’t like! I’ve heard kids being okay once they are old enough to turn around

Baby Einstein videos… my kiddos loved them. Literally obsessed…

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Entertainment. Toys, music, a mirror, lights, perhaps something to watch or play on.

Some kids just don’t like to be restrained.

For my kiddo, it took time but he also settled down when we switched him from the infant carrier car seat to the regular rear facing seat. I think it is just more comfortable for him. I started keeping a small toy bin in my car and i would let him have 1 toy while he is in the car. Now he gets excited to choose one

My 4yo didn’t enjoy them till like 2ish, but anything over 2 hrs was hard.
I did snacks and toys.
Make sure seat is installed correctly and baby had the right fit in seat.