Having aunt guilt, what should I do?

I’d move back ! I wish my children had aunts and uncle’s even grandparents we are alone :heartpulse:

You can’t feel bad for doing what’s best for you. She made her choices and you can only be responsible for your choices. Visit when you can but that’s all you can do. You can still be supportive over the phone, video calls, and gifts but that’s it

Live your life and your niece can still spend time with you and as they get older will enjoy the distance to get away.

I feel you I watched my grandchildren since day one then they came to live with me for a little over a year and now I moved 4 hrs away and left them my house so now I try to face time every evening

Make life easier on everyone by possibly moving her in with you. Or having her get a place in the city where you live. Don’t let time pass you by…

No, your 1 priority is to your husband.do what you can to help out, but do not feel guilty about your decision.

Money can be made, time can’t. I’d listen to your gut as you’ll only regret it


Move back did u hear me move back listen to your heart not the Almighty dollar

If she has some help do what you can but keep your own

Your sister choose to have kids. Her responsibilities are not your problem. Don’t feel guilty for living your life. Very sweet of you for being there for her however.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Having aunt guilt, what should I do? - Mamas Uncut

I guess I’m selfish. The family me and my husband made together is number 1. Of course we still love our families but we will do what’s best for us and our little family above all else. It broke everyone’s hearts when we moved away but that was what was best for us. It broke their hearts even more when we moved even further away. Things happen, people grow. You can’t live your life for someone else. There is face time, texting and you can visit or vice versa. I would stay where you’re at if that’s what’s best for your little family.


No babe. I’m in a similar situation. My sister(21 now) has helped me tremendously with my kids. She would watch my new born baby after school, all the way till she graduated. I appreciate her so much, but it was time for her to move to college. I had to deal with MY kids. She feels lonely not having my munchkins close to her, but she has to live her life and make decisions that are for HER better interest. :two_hearts: she lives 6 hours away, and visits when she can. It’s time for you to think about YOU FIRST :heart: GOD BLESS YOU, and thank you for being great!


Money isn’t everything. Family is the most important. I’ll leave it at that. That’s just my opinion


It’s your life girl. Don’t feel selfish at all. You need to do you.!! X you sound like an awesome sister amd she’s very lucky to have you. But you also need to have your own life x


From what I read auntie feeling guilty but I was read between the lines I think her sister and rest of the family putting the guilt on her because she moved away with her husband for more opportunities .

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Just depends how you feel! I moved away from my little cousins who I helped raise, and missed them sooo much. It was terrible for me, I’m back home now and see them pretty regularly and don’t think I could ever move away again. Not because my aunt needs me to help with them, but because they’re a part of me and it was hard being away from them!

Why? She lay down and made her babies, she can look after them. If you want a relationship with your family/niece, then make an effort instead of trying to find a reason to move. Do it…or don’t? What does it matter what others think?

No. You shouldn’t move back. Go when you can, stay in touch to establish a relationship with the kids…video chat whatever works. You have a life too.

Don’t move back out of guilt. Move back if you want to. Move back for the support and love of family.

Do what is right for YOU. Can you FaceTime her to visit?

My immediate family is in the same town, with two that live about 45. However, I am the one looking and asking to see my nephews and nieces. Even though we live in the same city, we go weeks without seeing each other. I love them all but my own family is my priority. Sometimes, you got to do you first.

On one hand i wanna say your not selfish but would i have personally moved that far away? No i could see like 3 hours but i wouldnt have done that but i dont think that makes you selfish at all you dont have kids your sister has kids. Its just going to require more effort if you want to be close to your neice. I will tell you that other then my dad my 2 aunts were my biggest influence and now that hes passed they are my sense of comfort and im in constant contact with them

You have to think about you and your family. You can still be there for her. Video chat. Visit when you can

Yes you made the right choice.
You’re an aunt. You have free range to come and go as you please. Why do you feel bad for living YOUR best life? You have no dependent responsibilities so live your life without feeling bad. Nobody else would :woman_shrugging:


Don’t feel bad. My sister lives 15 minutes away and sees my kids once every 6 months. She’s never watched them or babysat them, or even taken the older ones to do things. In fact she YELLED at me when I asked her if she could watch the kids when I give birth in December.

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Your sister and niece is very lucky. Do what makes you happy, you can still be there for them all while not actually being there…

Family is important but u have 2 take care u also

Awww :heart: you’re so sweet. I agree with the other comment that you may be experiencing some separation anxiety. Don’t feel bad! You did what you could and now you did whats best for YOU. She will be okay. She still has support. As long as you call and check on the kids and your sister thats all that matters! Listen sometimes we want to be there all the time for the people we love but we need to take a step back and let them figure it out on your own. They will be okay. Yes it’ll get hard for them but thats the life they chose. You do whats best for you . At the end of the day they’re still family :heart:

Maybe you could invite them to stay every once and awhile and maybe stay your self often, eight hours isn’t that far…of course it’s a drive, but not in any way impossible to do in a day. You have to take care of your little family first, but I definitely think she’s lucky to have a sister like you. If my little sister was far from me, I’d feel the same exact way, but I’d just make it a habit to visit her as often as I could. Even if it’s once or twice a month that y’all get together, just a tiny vacation and stay with them, I’m sure it would mean the world to her

Don’t feel so bad, you have a life too and a husband. Your place is with him.

I’m close to some of my aunts. Its not about quantity time spent with them. It’s about the time spent together. My aunts are anywhere from 24hrs away to 3000miles away
Bday, Xmas and phone/texts messages thru out the years help too :heart:

You made the right decision going away, but your sister needs help which you can give.

8 hours is a day trip… you are fine just take a few vacations a year to visit

Just visit more often if you can. Your sister and niece will understand.

First of all I just want to acknowledge how great of a sister and aunt you are! Make sure to give your self credit for that. With that being said, you should do what in your heart feels it’s best for you. If your at a point in your life that you need to take this opportunity for yourself I’m sure your sister will understand. However if you think you will be miserable there and missing them everyday than maybe it’s not the right choice. Do think of your self and your life before making any drastic decisions. Good luck!