Do I have a right to kick out my boyfriend?

Depends on the state. You may need to actually go through eviction proceedings. Legally, not by throwing all his :poop: out onto the lawn!!

Did the 3 year old type “show me your cooter?” Or Send me pictures of your lovely lady lumps”. You are being gaslit!!!


Yes…set his stuff on the porch and change the locks

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Yes absolutely you have the right!

The 3yr old did it… that’s fricken gold :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::woman_facepalming:


You go momma!!! Yes you have every single right!!! I would pack his stuff and put it at the end of the driveway for him. I love when I see women not taking the lame excuses!!! Once a cheater always a cheater!!! You go momma teaching your baby boy to be a real man I absolutely love it.


Sayonara. If you are paying for everything and he still has no respect, he’s not a keeper. Throw him back into the lake and get you a keeper.


Of course you do. Kick him out.

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I’m blown away at how he tried to blame the 3 year old :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Get away from him far and fast


Hahahaha he really tried to blame the baby. Get Shaggy tf up out of there you don’t need that shit. :100:

Unless your 3 year old is a genius and knows how to spell and ask women for graphic photos ( dumbest excuse I’ve ever heard) you absolutely can tell him to GTFO!! Run now girl, he won’t change.


Pack his shit and threw it out bye Felicia

If his name isn’t on the lease you should be able to kick him out. But depending on your state laws of what is considered common law marriage there might be some red tape.

BYE BYE DUDE!!! He has no right to your home or your time!

At least be honest not use the kid lol

Does he get mail there, and I only say that because if he gets mail there and has been there longer than a certain time. Then he can stay. Even though you are the lease holder, I went through it. He should just leave on his own

LMFAO lying ass clown, run girl lmaooo

Lol you answered your own question! Kick the scum bag out, you pay your own bills etc anyways. He’s just mooching off you at this point.


He’s an idiot for trying to blame your kid lmao

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If he’s on the lease, no. But if you’re asking if you have a reason to kick him out or a right to kick him out and not in a legality way, absolutely.

Kick his ass out girl

You have every right to kick him out. No 3 year old can send that kinda message. It would look like this “gsidn64wens9i” if it was a 3 year old. He’s a lair.

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Boy :wave:. Kick that pos to the curb

What a :clown_face: I’m sure lied about and done more based on that stupid reaction. Kick his free loading åss out

Depends on the state. If he’s been living there for a while the police won’t make him leave. You need an eviction notice for him.

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U have to evict him. Just go to the courthouse and file the eviction

Kick him out. He’s a looser. Raise your standards too.

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Legally no. It’s his residence as well so you’ll have to evict him. Morally… I’d want him away as well.

What has taken you so long.


Some states require you to give 30 day notice for him to leave IF he gets mail there in his name


She’ll make drama kick him out beg him to come back within weeks probably not the first go around sounds a little judgey but that’s how these toxic relationships play out over and over


Is it bad that I just read the first sentence “Do I have a right to kick my boyfriend out of my house” before I said YES!?!? Absolutely you do. With or without reason.


If he gets mail there you have to give him 30 days

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Lmfao yeah the kid did it… what a dummy. Good riddens

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You literally just answered your own question

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I know on Ohio if they get mail and or been there longer than two weeks you gage to go through the legal eviction process. Even if something happens police can’t make them leave. Might want to check in your state.


Yes girl kick his ass out and as stated above- raise ur standards. He should be paying for something

You most likely will have to have him evicted. In the eyes of the law in most states if he’s been living there for 30 days or more you can’t just throw him out. Be careful about about throwing anything of his out because he could sue you for damages. You definitely should go get an eviction notice asap. Good luck.


You already know the answer without us telling you. Do it now !!!

Especially if he thinks you’re that stupid

When he leaves, change the locks, set a garbage bag of all his sh¡t outside, and don’t let him back in. He’s a bum and you’re just somewhere to stay to lay his head and someone willing to pay his way. Move on.


Pack his shit and change the locks, both you and your baby are better off without him!

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Lmfao. Wowwww. Blaming a child.


Annoying that he tried to blame the three year old ! So not unreasonable!! Send him packing. Respect yourself and remember what you are showing your 3 year old! How to respect and be respectful in a relationship!

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Right cuz a 3 year old knows what that kind of photo is…lol kick him to the curb and don’t even think twice about it.

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Kick his ass to the curb!!!

It would be unreasonable to let him stay.


If you’re the only lease holder yeah.

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If he’s has lived at that address 6 months or longer in Tennessee you have to take every step.

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What kind of question is that? Lmao if it’s yours kick him out and let him move in with the other woman he’s asking for photos from.

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Omg of course you have every right!!

This shouldn’t even be a question if everything is in your name :woman_shrugging:t2:


Long as his name isn’t on the lease, kick his butt to the curb!!

Wow sounds a bit like my now ex cheeky fkers are :joy::joy::joy: xx

You’d have to evict him if he won’t go when asked.


Lmfao he said a 3yr old asked for nudes? Bye dude.


Yes kick his ass to the curb!!

Kick his ass out! Good lord… get rid of that man child. Blaming a baby for sending bad messages really :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

If he’s lived there at least 30 days you have to evict him through the courts. Its his residence too

He’s using you kick him out

Yup kick him to the curb, girrrrrrl ! Know you’re WORTH :sparkles::point_up_2:t3:

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Kick him out. How would the 3 year old ask for nudes? Most 3 year olds can’t read or type complete sentences.


Yeah, you have a reason to kick him out and no you aren’t being unreasonable.

However, legally (depending on where you live) it might not be legal. If he has resided there for sometime and gets mail there then legally you would have to file an eviction through the court. But if he just leaves and doesn’t fight with you then you have nothing to worry about.


:rofl::rofl: Yeah Because a 3 YEAR OLD can spell And know what nudes meant and asked for nudes :rofl::joy: Stupid.

The right…yes…legally no if he’s lived there longer then 30 days

Ain’t no way a 3 year old gonna send no message…… If he ain’t established residence there then heck yeah kick his butt out……But if he has I believe you have to go thru the eviction process. Good luck!!

Passive aggressive behavior costs less. Just make him sooooooo miserable that he doesn’t want to be there. Don’t feed him, don’t clean up after him, don’t buy food or hygiene products for him. If he leaves his things laying around, put them in the trash, clean the toilet with his toothbrush and leave it on the back of the toilet… he’ll get the idea🤷‍♀️

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Yes he is a toxic man to blame a child

Kick him the fuck out

I mean if hes dumb and doesnt know he has residential rights after so long. Yea, if not you’ll have to go to the court house to evict him.

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So ur not gonna have a free babysitter no more

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Well in some states/areas, which he may not know and don’t tell, if he gars Mail there he can legally stay?? So I’ve heard

Kick him out. Change locks


Cuz he has mail going there and he’s been there for more than 30 days you’ll have to go to court to have them removed and you got to give him a written notice of 30 days if not then you go to court because if he was helping with bills he has the right to stay

Wow! Sounds similar. I am going through a divorce now because of ridiculous lies. Many of them as this is just the one he blamed on our kid. I also found messages from his ex wife on messenger…

Found “gay” porn on the Google search history. He tried to blame it on our 10 year old son. Which I obviously talked to our son about (not shamefully). To only find out that it wasn’t our son at all it was him. It was being watched while our son was at school and he was in our camper ( he sleeps out there as he works 3rds and I run daycare). He sure don’t want a sex life with me is why I was upset about finding it.

That’s unacceptable, definitely time to say tooled hunny.

Depending on what the laws are in each state unless you’re from another country you need to find out

Omg if you supporting him then that alone is reason to throw him out… And 3 year olds don’t text

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I’d say make his life a living hell and he will leave on his own

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likely will need to evict him.

Girl kick him tf out :rofl::rofl: how is this even a question

Yes but if he gets mail there you’re going to have to legally evict him if he gives you any gripe about it and you have to go to court and serve him with eviction papers but if he ever goes out of the house I would just personally change the locks and throw all the shit outside cuz as long as nothing he has is in that house you’re good to go girl

Your Child Always Comes First

Yes every right. Not on the lease , not on any bills , technically in the eyes of the law man was already homeless

Kick his ass out , just for that fact he does not work or contribute to thenhosueholdn

He’s living off you. Yes, kick him out.

Is that a question ?? He sounds like a bum then to blame the child for his dumbass mistake helllllll nahhhh

Get him the fuck our of your house. If he is shift blaming to your 3 year old he is a disgusting individual. No grown up does this shit!!

Kick him to the curb!! He should not be near your 3yr old.
Protect your child!

Dont be affraid too kick him out ,he is using you and your child

Regardless of laws, get rid of him. He’s just going to drain you in every way.

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Since he has things and has been living there for awhile you will have to file for an eviction notice for him (depends on your state and county most of the time eviction is still required even if they aren’t on the bills or anything since they have stuff in the residence) but you are absolutely in the right to kick him to the curb

Tell him to go if everything is in your name and your paying everything


You can try, but if he doesn’t leave willingly you will have to evict him.

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If he has no income or job then I’m sure he won’t go easy. Make sure you have your ducks in a row before you start down this road to minimize any possible damage he can do.


Dude yes you can make him leave and if the lease is in your name then call the police and have them tell him to get out if you don’t want trouble. They will help.

why is this a question? You know the answer! You can always do better.

Girl yes. He sounds like a trashy bum. Tell him he has so many days to get the hell out.

It’s funny how u know what you need to do but you rather go on fb to hear what u already know


Yes, Kick his ass to the curb asap