Could my daughter be seeing my sisters ghost?

We moved into a new house and my fiance brought in the urn of his sister. Our daughter never got the chance to meet her. She was only l 4 months old when she passed. Our daughter is 3 now and we have only shown her pictures of her TT and told her who she is. Never explained to her that she passed away since she is only 3. But today I was cleaning and moved the urn to our island in our kitchen I didn’t get the chance to put it back so when it was dinner time our daughter was eating and just started talking, having a conversation like she was talking to someone. I walked up to her and asked who she was talking to and she told my TT (along with her name). Me and my fiance looked at each other and then I asked who told you that was TT and she says TT (along with her name) did. Our daughter has never been interested in the urn until today. Has anyone else went through this? I’ve always believed in this kind of stuff but never actually had it happen to me or around me. My fiance totally doesn’t believe in this stuff but it kinda freaked him out a little.


I believe in this stuff 100%. My daughter who is now 16 talked to someone when she was 4 that she never met. Right before my husband’s grandma passed she was seeing faces. It freaked me out a little but I grew up around the stuff so I’m used to it. You can pm if you want.

Children are really sensitive when it comes to their psychic abilities. As we get older if we don’t exercise our abilities we slowly lose it. So most likely she is. Id tell her that if she enjoys it keep with it. But if it’s scaring her just tell her not to focus on it and slowly it will go away as she gets older. Our whole family is gifted in one way or another. As children we are told we have a choice to keep that gift or not.


Same thing happened with my 3 year old and my mother-in-law. She was very young when she passed away, but sometimes she will randomly start talking about grandma out of no where. I just take the moments in like they are watching over you/ saying “hello”.


My daughter who is 6 will mention her big brother along with my dad an my friend Steph. She has done it since she was able to talk. My son is now showing the same signs. Both have never met neither of them as I lost my dad in 05 an my son in 2014 as well as my friend Steph in 2014.

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I seen my grandfather-uncle minutes after his death. i didn’t know he passed yet. nonone knew. he passed my hallway, waived and smiled. I was 7. my grandmother got a call of his passing about 20 min later. I said NO, he is happy, he was just here!

Yes, my niece at 3 through 7 used to talk to her great grandmother when we woukd visit her grave just like talking to a living oerson, she had never met her maybe seen a photo of her but not many times and when she was 7 and my sister was dying and wevtook her to see her aunt she asked us if we hadcseen her “wita” (great grandmother) she told us she was there waiting for her.