AITA for getting mad my boyfriend decided to go see his sister instead of me?

Yes, you’re so wrong they need to invent a new word to describe what you are🤷🏽‍♀️

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I would of chosen my sister over you also. His parents surprised him with a trip to see his sister and you made him choose.

The OP is gross. Your NYE kiss is more important than him seeing his sister?! Are you kidding?!

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Girl that man better leave you in 2022. :joy: start 2023 healthy not toxic.

Girl are you okay??? It’s his sister who is in the military!!! Get some help girl.

Let him spend time with his family. My bf decided to go with his mom and brother for the holiday… you don’t own him…

Tell me right now that this is satire.

Yes you’re wrong, and if you don’t know why, there’s no hope.

I think they could of at least ask you ,if you wanted to go, but yes you are being petty

I feel like that’s super selfish of you. Like am I the only one appalled by this. It’s HIS SISTER who’s FIGHTING for our freedom. Like wtf. Some appreciation would be good, gratitude. It could be you out there doing it. Kudos to him for standing his ground. There will be more NYE kisses y’all can share (if you stop acting like a twat) this could be his last time seeing his sister no one really knows.

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That’s just so wrong! What if it were the other way around? Seems like you need to focus on yourself

You’re wrong and sound petty and selfish

I don’t think you’ll be around long enough for marriage. Yikes. :flushed:

Overreaction. He’s probably not going to forgive you

Very wrong. Family first always.

Yeah you are wrong and the A. You definitely need some growing up.

I would break up with you if I were him.

yeah ur crazy and he did the right thing

Can you go with him? I don’t know the circumstances. Maybe it’s his only opportunity to see her. Yes I would be sad however I don’t think it’s deal breaking.

He’s never going to marry you with the attitude you have

He is way better off without you :flushed:

Yes you are wrong and selfish. That is his sister. You have him the rest of the year. He misses his sister

You are without a doubt in the wrong!!!

8 months and you think he should ditch his family over you. Yeah you are absolutely in the wrong a million percent! His sister is serving, you have no idea what that’s like for one and having g a family member visit you is like winning the lottery. You are extremely selfish and hopefully he doesn’t take you back because you have some serious growing up to do…

While it would sting for me I’d try to understand that he doesn’t get to see his sister often due to being in the military.

He should have left you long before now….

Are you for real? I hope when the ball drops he drops you too.

Sound like a 12 year old. Grow up.

Think as if he decided to chose you instead of going to see his sister… and then something happened to her. You’d feel guilty for not letting him see her. Sometimes we have to put out selfish needs/wants to the side for those we love.

Is this a serious question? :joy: Looks like he dodged a bullet. I hope he has fun with his visit with his sister. :heart:

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Oh you wrong. Good for him for leaving. :v:t2:

Wowwww :open_mouth::exploding_head: you sound like a real peach

Yep. YATA. You’ve been dating like 5 minutes. Until you’re married, you aren’t family and family comes first.

You set him free. This can’t be real.

Everyone else said it so I don’t have to …

Yes you are. Yes youre his gf but you said his sister is in the military which means he probably hasnt seen her in a long time. You sound selfish and petty. He probably sees you everyday and spends time with you. He CANT spend time with his sister. You should be happy that he has this chance to see her. He deserves better.

Blood is thicker than water. True in this case.

All the plans by his parents, stop complaining…

This has to be a joke!
Even the caps when they typed ME… No one is this selfish… Are they?

Crazy jealous girlfriends come and go, but family is forever.

He’s likely married. Beware!

Depends how long you guys have been together…

you’re definitely wrong and selfish for this one yes she chose to go into the military but she can’t chose when to come home and see her family. how would you feel if you’re family gave you a trip to see your sibling that you may or may not get to see again in a very long time and your other half throws a fit about it??? You sound like a child that isn’t getting their way and i don’t blame them i would’ve walked out too

:flushed::grimacing: he escaped that one lol.

100% YTA…I hope this is a troll :sweat_smile:

Yes , you are completely in the wrong .

You are replaceable, his sister is not
Set that man free before you let the rest of your crazy hang out
Edit× I just reread where it said he left you!!!
Congratulations to him!!!

Your done. That’s what you said. Be done.

Yes you’re the A in this situation

Wow are you selfish! She’s in the military and he has only a limited amount of time to see her. Quit being a b*tch and think of how happy it’ll make him. The relationship isn’t all about you. Have you ever been in the military or had a family member be in the military? I’ve been married to a man who served for 26 yrs and a son who served. I think you need to check yourself. He deserves to see his sister!

Uhm yeah you are. Sorry but if my sibling was in the military ima go see them. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Oh wow, I’m sorry to say but you sound selfish. Why not ask if you can go too!

Until you are married they are his S/Os

Are you able to go with them

Wow! You are definitely wrong!!

Grow up…you are wrong

Wow how selfish are you?!

Please tell me this is a joke

Where’s the smh react button?
:woman_facepalming: - here I’ll just use the emoji…

I wish I could make a bigger L O L

Yeahh. My sister is in the military and served multiple deployments. Sorry girlfriend my sister would come first too. Maybe you can save up and meet her. But your insecurities need to be worked on. You won’t be able to handle a Military SIL being soft as a peach.

Honey…no…his family…his sister…who is in the MILITARY is far more important than your inconsiderate little rant right now. You’ve been dating for 8 months. Chill out. He’s going to see his sister, who he probably hasn’t seen in God only knows how long. :roll_eyes: don’t be surprised when his ass don’t come back to you when he gets back. Smh

Hell yeah yiur wrong! His sister is in the military!! That means he doesn’t get to see her very often! You are very selfish!

I refuse to believe this is real. Surely there is no one on earth this self centred :see_no_evil:

You are so selfish. It is his family, and being in the military he doesn’t know when he would be able to see her next.

U are like more than 1000% wrong…and selfish

Selfish it’s his sister whom is in military and I’m sure she don’t get to see family much…he should leave u smfh

Um, his sister is in the military and you haven’t mentioned how long she has been stationed elsewhere… grow up and set this man free of your childish, selfish ways! Seriously! :roll_eyes::woman_shrugging:

This mentality is so selfish and juvenile. This is super controlling and possessive especially for how little you’ve been together. Good luck even getting a ring from a family oriented person with this mentality.

Yes, you’re wrong. He should go see his sister and with her being in the military it may has been a while since he’s seen her.

wow you need to work on yourself. why cant he go spend time with his family on nye?
you’re in the wrong, not him.

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This is actually hilarious :joy:

Go back and read what you just wrote, You had a great man, A family man, You should be proud he loves his family… Yes his sister is going to be exited to see him… Be Happy for them…

You’ve been together 8 months. Calm down. There’s no guarantee of marriage and your reaction pretty much sealed the deal of that never happening with him.
Yes your are the ah. A big one at that.

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Glad he left you!!! You are a lot!

Girl they 1st time I gave me an ultimatum I’d be gone! 8 months is nothing. Also he hasn’t even proposed she in the military

Sorry but how would you feel if he cancelled that trip and something happened to her before he got to see her again. Wanna know who he’s gonna resent…… YOU

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Your wrong period, y’all are dating, your not his wife because if you was his parents would’ve gotten 2 tickets. It’s ok to be hurt but to give him an ultimatum… we’ll you see how that worked out for you. Now this relationship is over because you have showed him that no matter what you expect to always come first. So yes your wrong for this sorry. Happy New Year!!!

Wow!! U need to grow up… That’s his Sister… a chance he might never see her again :cry:U have only been together 8 months… and you aren’t even family… Sorry for you and your actions… :cry:

Well the good thing here is…Him n his family have seen your true colors…Dont be surprised …a break up awaits n u deserve it…Your too immature .

I’m in the Military. My bf is in the Military. We have 2 Kids together. You sound selfish. He probably hasn’t seen her in a long time. Glad he left when he did.

I don’t think ya should of made him chose …if ya felt that strongly about wanting to be with him then ya should of offered to get a ticket n go with if he wanted ya to.dint ya think that’s asking alot of him to not go see his loved one who’s away like that …ya could of planned to video chat at midnight or something if not able to go hope ya realize ya mistake here

Maybe he wanted to see her and couldn’t afford or vice versa but neither could so parents took care of it she in the service and yes like everyone else said kinda selfish

You sound petty and selfish af.

8 months in and you think you’re more important than his military sister that he probably hasn’t seen in awhile? :rofl::rofl: 8 months in and the word ‘married’ came out of your mouth? :rofl::rofl: I hope this guys knows just what a whole red flag you are and doesn’t come back!

Wrong. That is his sister. It’s only new years. Get over it

He’ll be better off without you :blush:

:joy: 8 months and you think the world revolves around you ALREADY?!? As a military veteran, I can tell you that the chance to see family is far and few and if the opportunity is there you absolutely take it.

IF you EVER had a shot at being marriage material for this guy, you should have helped him pack his bag and gave him an early New Year’s kiss goodbye.

You should go your separate ways. You are acting like a rude, immature person and he should run.

He might never see his sister again! She’s in the military and there’s no telling what could happen to her, God forbid. So, yes, you are the a**hole here! You should definitely respect this situation. You’ve got some growing up to do if you can’t see how this is a priority.

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I hope this is a joke, because otherwise you sound very toxic and selfish. Good for him for leaving. Hopefully he stays gone.

You’re being selfish! Your behavior isn’t that of a supportive partner. His sister is in the military, probably doesn’t see her often, his parents surprised him with this trip to see her and all you’re thinking about is me, me, me. What about him and his feelings? You can see him every day when he gets back, his sister just gets to see him for a few days out of the year. And all over a kiss at midnight on New Year? Sounds immature to me. Maybe go kiss the mirror cause it sounds like you’re in a relationship with yourself. :woman_shrugging:t2:

All I gotta say is :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

What? Seriously? You sound like a spoiled entitled brat. I hope he goes to see his sister and I won’t even mention where you should go…

His sister is in the military… you should be excited for him , who knows if that will be the last time he’ll see her in a while. you’re being selfish.

How ignorant can someone be? :rofl::rofl:I hope his sister beats ur ass, or wait this has to be a post from a child/teeny bopper because no grown ass woman would think this way and say something so ignorant wow

His sister fights for your freedom you should just stfu and be grateful you got a man. This is absolutely insane.

His parents SURPRISED him with tickets to see his SISTER who is in the MILITARY. And you don’t see a problem? NYE/day is just another day of the year. You did a favor giving him an ultimatum :woman_shrugging:t4:

:triangular_flag_on_post: Narcissist :triangular_flag_on_post:
Girl, not only was what you did selfish, entitled and controlling but it was so crazy! You are the full makings of a narcissist. Your “ex” (his choice since you gave him an ultimatum and it backfired on you) has dodged a huge bullet. He would have spent the rest of his life trying to make you happy to no avail!

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I hope he drops you girl. You’re crazy. I’d be so happy for him to get tickets to see his sister who is serving our country. But you wanna be selfish and disgusting instead. Ew. Planning to get married? You guys have been dating 8 months and he’s clearly ignored every red flag. Poor guy. Leave him alone and don’t ruin his trip with his family.