AITA for being ma at my father in law?

AITA for being madat my father in law? He doesn’t get to see my daughter very often because he is at work out of town. Even then he doesn’t call or FaceTime her. Well when he does come to see her he is super late, doesn’t communicate if he is going to be late, and when he has her he won’t communicate. The last time he had her, he told me he would be back at 5pm. And that they were going to eat at a restaurant. 6:30 rolls around. Not a word. So I try to call him. Nothing. I call my younger (17) sister in law, nothing. Even text her! My sister in law FINALLY texted me at 7:17. Telling me they were at my other sister in laws house down the block! For almost an hour and a half I had no idea where my child was!! I was pissed! Well today he calls and says he is going to pick her up at around 3. It’s been about 3 months since he’s seen her so I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt. Try again…well here it is 6:03 and nothing! I even call him an hour ago and he said he was coming to get her…and my husband wonders WHY I DONT LIKE MY 4 YEAR OLD GOING WITH HIM! My husband literally gets mad at me because I’m about about this…he says “if this was your dad you wouldn’t be mad”. First off my dad is older than his dad. And my dad would NEVER act like this! I try to give him a chance to redeem himself but im over it!